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Okay first of all see that fanart. Like it is kinda weird.

But look at Hyunjin, I wanna say one thing.



It was Christmas morning.

Hyunjin entered the hall where Jeongin and Felix were cuddling on the couch.

"I love you so much my Innie~~~"

"I love you too~ my pretty hyungie~"

"Awww thank you baby~ you are so sweet~"

"Lixy hyung is soooo pretty~~"

"Oh Innie stop now~~ you're making me blush~~" Felix hit his tiddies.

Jeongin and Felix made out.

Hyunjin wanted to throw up.

Ugh so cringe.

"You are one of the most pretty people on earth~~~"

"Hold on what do you mean ONE OF the most pretty people on earth?"

Hyunjin went inside his room and brought out a bag of chips to enjoy the drama unfolding.

"Well I haven't met all the people on earth so there is a possibility that there are people prettier than you."

Hyunjin gasped. Jeongin you idiot.

"Oh really?! Then go to those pretty people and eat their oatmeal cookies because I am not making for you!!"

"Your oatmeal cookies suck anyway!"

Felix gasped loudly.

Jeongin immediately regretted what he said. He got up from the couch and ran far away from Felix.

"How dare you talk about my cookies that way you- come back here you little bi- come here don't you dare run away from me!!!" Felix took off his slipper.

Jeongin went to hide behind Hyunjin. "Hyung save me!!"

"You brought this on yourself."

"Jeongin come back here right now I am serious."

Jeongin whimpered at Hyunjin. "Hyung..."

"Jeongin go apologise."

Jeongin slowly walked to Felix. "Hyung! Hyung hyung just calm down... Listen to me. I love your chocolate chip cookies more than your oatmeal ones. I don't even like oatmeal. But I love the chocolate chip cookies you make. And you know why?"

Felix had calmed down a little. "Why?"

"Because you made them for me on our first dating anniversary and everytime I eat your cookies I remember that time and how you looked so pretty that day. And also you make them for me with so much love~~"

Felix smiled and hugged Jeongin who hugged him back.

"Merry Christmas everyone!!!" Chan entered the room.

"Merry Christmas appa!!!" Everyone wished together.

"Kids today you all better behave nicely. Today is Christmas."

"We are always nice appa!"


Everyone was in the hall sitting together with music playing on the speaker.

They were eating the snacks and talking to each other and also playing board games (it's literally so fun).

Hyunjin, Felix and Jisung were sitting together on one couch and Jeongin, Minho and Seungmin on the other. Chan was sitting on his own armchair. The table was filled with the board game and plates of snacks and drinks.

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