Best friend

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This is a story from the past. Where Jisung and Hyunjin still hate each other. (Between the time when Jisung joined and the time when the two started dating)


"I cannot believe Jisung won that quiz!!" Hyunjin told Felix, not caring that Jisung was just sitting in front of him.

"Well... Technically you guys were a team and he happened to answer the tiebreaker before you." Felix said.

"But still! It should have been me!"

"Aigoo it is fine. You will do great next time." Felix gave his sunshine smile.

"You are right. Anyways let's go to the new café that opened near our school today, after school." Hyunjin said in an excited manner.

"Yes yes!!"


All the students were sitting in the cafeteria. Felix and Hyunjin were sitting together.

A few guys approached them. They were the rich guys of the school. The 'leader' Eunsang looked at Hyunjin's Versace sunglasses that were kept on the table.

"I like those glasses, are they yours?" Eunsang asked him.

"Thank you~ yes they are mine." Hyunjin smiled.

"Are they real?"

They were a knock off brand but Hyunjin couldn't tell them that. They would make a fool out of him.


"Cool, do you wanna join us for lunch?"

"Oh no no thanks I am fine here only."

"Oh come on just this once."

"Okay if you say so. Come on Felix let's g-"

"Nuh uh uh. Just you. Not him."

Hyunjin looked at Felix for his opinion.

"U- Uh it is fine I am almost done anyway you can go hang out with them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I-"

"He said yes now come with us!" Eunsang dragged Hyunjin with him.

(Ahhh I feel so bad for Lixy 🥺)

Hyunjin sat with them at their table. He looked over at Felix who was leaving the cafeteria.

"Don't look at him. Talk to us."

"Okay..." Hyunjin felt a little bad. But he was also thrilled that he was noticed by the rich popular kids of school.

"So... Do you wanna hang out with us after school? Maybe go for shopping?"

"But I promised Fel-"

"Ugh come on enough with him! Don't you wanna make more friends???"

"I do but...."

"Then it's settled. We are going shopping after school. And also tomorrow I have a party at my house. Do you wanna come? Don't even think of bringing that loser with you."


Hyunjin was excited to go to a rich party.


Hyunjin was looking at the outfits in the Versace store. He didn't have much money to spend. He tried to look for the cheapest dress.

Eunsang approached him. "Hey do you need any help picking out an outfit?"

"Uh... Sure..."

Eunsang pulled out a dress. Hyunjin looked at the cost and widened his eyes.

"What happened? You don't have enough money for it or something?"

"No it's not that..."

"Okay then." Eunsang left.

Hyunjin thought of returning the dress after wearing.

He got a call from Felix.

"What happened dude? I thought we were gonna go to the café near the school?"

"Oh shoot sorry I forgot to tell you. I am hanging out with Eunsang!"

Felix was hurt at that reply. But he didn't show it. "Come on Hyunjin they are not nice people!"

"They are! Eunsang helped me picking out my outfit. And he is inviting me to a party tomorrow night!!"

"Hyunjin please understand! They do not wanna be friends with you! They will turn back on you the minute the find out your sunglasses are of a knock off brand."

"Don't talk about my friends that way! You don't know anything! Just fuck off!!"

Felix shut up at that reply. He hung up the call before he could break down in front of Hyunjin.


Hyunjin came back from the party early. He rang his home's doorbell. Chan opened the door.

"Oh? You're home so early? I thought you were gonna be at that party."

"I don't wanna talk about it." Hyunjin was crying. He entered the house and sat on the couch. He covered his face and broke down crying.

Chan sat beside him. "What's wrong?"


"What the hell hyung?! You told Felix to f off?!" Jeongin entered the scene. He was angry but had to mind his language in front of their dad.

"What?! Hyunjin is that true?!"

Hyunjin just started crying harder. Jeongin went back to his room.

"Hyunjin tell me what happened. But first stop crying." Chan handed him a glass of water.

Hyunjin drank it and calmed down a little. He spoke between his sobs. "These rich popular guys in my school invitated me to a party and I got happy. And I ditched Felix and went to party with them. Eunsang had a friend who worked at a Versace store and noticed that my sunglasses were fake and he pointed it out. Everyone made fun of me. Then they noticed the tag on my dress. And humiliated me for that too. It was so embarassing."

"Oh Hyunjin, for a little bit of fame you let go of that friend who has been with you for so long? Tomorrow you will go and apologise to him."

"Will he forgive me?"

"He is your best friend. He will."


Hyunjin entered his classroom and saw Felix sitting where he always sits, beside Hyunjin. Hyunjin sat beside him.

"Hey Felix..."

"Oh hi."

"I wanna say something."

"I am sorry for everything I did or said to you."

"It's fine..."

"No it is not fine. You have been such a good friend to me and I did that to you. Remember that time when Jisung organised a party right on the same day when I hosted one? Everyone went to his party. But the only one who attended my party And Jeongin. But I think he was there for you~~"

Felix blushed.

"Yeah I do... We still had so much fun that time."

"Yes. And I cannot believe I told you to fuck off. I am so so sorry for that. I promise to stay by your side, the same way you were by mine." Hyunjin smiled.

"Thanks, best friend." Felix said

The two friends shared a hug.


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