At restaurant

713 17 25

This is the couple's side of the chapter "Insecurities, college and babies" (Idk why I gave that title)


Hyunjin was sitting on his chair with the stroller beside him. The little baby was smiling and adoring his angel of a mother.

"So what did you decide to name him?" Minho asked.

"Jihyun." Jisung replied in a cold tone.

"What happened? Why are you mad?"

"I am not mad." Jisung replied but his anger was obvious.

"Aigoo are you still mad about that??? I said I am sorry~~~" Hyunjin kept his head on Jisungie's shoulder.

Jisung obviously melted at the gesture. But he didn't show it.

"But what happened???" Seungmin asked.

"Soo before leaving home I was sad because my dress didn't fit me and I was feeling ug- hold on do I look ugly right now? I feel like I look fat right now."

Everyone glared at him, totally pissed off.

"Je te déteste." Felix said.

"Your order sir?" The waiter approached Hyunjin.

"Uh... I am here with my family why did you approach me alone?" Hyunjin replied.

"Oh sorry you are just so beautiful that I couldn't even notice anyone else." The waiter chuckled.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Hey dude get away from my wife and get us a new waiter."

The waiter glared at him and left them alone.

"Baby I-"


"Okay now will you please tell me what's wrong??"

"Yes yes so I was feeling ugly because my body changed after bringing Jihyunie to the world. So Jisung told me that he loves me and will never leave me alone. I reminded him that he hooked up with Minho hyung. So he got annoyed."

"Ohhh I see." Seungmin said.

"Look I don't even know you are so mad at me hooking up with Minho hyung!! All we did was meet together and drink!! I was not even drunk so I drove Minho hyung straight home!"

"But then you said you hooked up with Minho hyung...?" Hyunjin asked.

"I did!! We planned on meeting each other at the bar! We hooked up!!"

"Wait so did you meet each other or hook up with each other?!"

"Aren't they the same thing?!"

"Wha- No!! God no!! You dumbass!! They don't mean the same thing!!"

"Then what does hooking up mean?!"

"It means having sex with someone!"

"WHAT?! NO I did nothing of that sort!!"

"What?!! Then why did you say that  you hooked up with Minho hyung??"

"I thought hooking up with someone means meeting someone!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you, dumbass!" Hyunjin slapped his shoulder.

"Hold on hold on." Seungmin tried to calm them down. "Minho hyung was the one who confessed this! Hyung why did you say that you guys hooked up?!"

"I thought that we did! I was drunk, I woke up in his bed so I thought that we really did it because I am a terrible wife and person so I must have done something stupid!!'

"You thought we had sex in my bed?!" Jisung yelled. "Wouldn't Hyunjin have ripped my skin off?!"

"Okay so did you guys have sex or not?!" Seungmin and Hyunjin yelled.


Jeongin and Felix were munching on their chips enjoying the whole drama.

"Seeing them makes me appreciate every second I spend with you." Felix said.

"Me too." Jeongin smiled. "Let's never fight a.... Again." He started sobbing again remembering the time when he raised his hand at Felix.

"Aigoo baby don't cry don't cry~" Felix kissed his head.

"I still cannot believe I had the nerve to raise my hand at you..."

"Oh my god what the fuck then?!" Hyunjin facepalmed. "Okay Jisung, you are a complete dumbass."

"That I am."

"I will kill you Jisung. Just wait till we go home, I will stab you with a knife."

"I prefer you use the knife for something else~" Jisung bit his lip.

"Wait till you fall asleep at home. Then you will see what I am gonna do to you."



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