Hyunjin and Jeonglix go shopping

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This is a chapter written by a bored author.


Hyunjin was getting ready.

"Baby I am going shopping with Felix and Jeongin. And I am taking Seongjin with me. Do you wanna come?"

"No *sneeze* I will stay at home *sneeze*."

"Are you okay??" Hyunjin turned around to look at him.

"Yes *sneeze* I am fine."

"Aigoo..." Hyunjin put his hand on Jisung's forehead. "You are burning up!"

"It's fine..." His voice sounded hoarse and congested.

"I can stay home if you want." Hyunjin said spuishing his cheeks.

"No no you should go. And stay away from me. You will get sick too."

Hyunjin pulled away and put sanitizer on his hands.

"I can't go and have fun when my husband is at home sick." Hyunjin pouted. "I will stay at home only..."

"No. Go and hang out with them. I will sleep all day anyway *sneeze*"

"If you say so... Just take care of yourself." Hyunjin picked up his wallet. "I love you baby~" He blew a kiss to Jisung and left.

"Bye baby~"


"I am surprised Jeongin decided to come along. I thought he was gonna marry his work soon." Hyunjin said with a sly smile on his face.

"I wanted to spend time with Felix hyung. Is that bad?" Jeongin was holding Felix's shopping bags.

"No not at all." Felix patted his back. "I am glad you came along. Hold this too please~" Felix said so adorabley that Jeongin couldn't refuse.

"Sure hyung I'd do anything for you!" He kissed Felix.

"Yah that's enough!" Hyunjin separated them. "Leave my friend alone!"

"He's my husband!"

"He's my friend before he's your husband!"

"Guys people are watching us." Felix tried to calm them down.

The siblings calmed down and gave each other dirty looks. They went to pay for the clothes they bought.

"Guys I'm hungryyy." Hyunjin said.

"As usual." Jeongin chuckled.

"Shut up, monkey."

"You shut up, rhino!"

Hyunjin gasped. "What did you just call me?!"

"Enough!" Felix shouted. "You both better shut up or else we are going home."

"Fine." The siblings got sulky.

They went out of the store and were on their way to a restaurant.

"Hey bitch!" A woman called out to them.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he recognised the voice.

"What is it Wonmi?!"

"Don't act so innocent after what a fool you made of me at that highschool reunion!"

Hyunjin smirked remembering how much of a badass bitch he felt like during the moment.

"Well you made yourself look like a fool just by existing."

"Shut up."

"You came to talk to me. I am just talking back. That is how a conversation works. You would know if you actually went to school, stupid."

(Even I never knew I had such good comebacks lmao. I will definitely use them in real life and not just in stories 😂)

"You don't talk to me like that!"

"Why? Are you the president or something?"

"I am the daughter of a very rich man!"

"Too bad your daddy couldn't send you to a good school or buy you a brain."

Jeongin and Felix were watching in full entertainment.

Go bestie you slay!!!  Felix mentally cheered for his best friend.

"I will take Jisung back from you." Wonmi said.

"Oh after he left your plastic body for this?" He pointed at his body that he got after months of gym training. "Good luck with that."

"You little-" Wonmi slapped him hard.

(Bitch what)

"What the hell Wonmi?!"

Wonmi was about to slap him again but Jeongin grabbed her wrist.

"Did you just slap MY brother? I will kill you."

"Oh hey handsome~" Wonmi put a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't grab my wrist so hard daddy it hurts."

(Wtf- someone please hand me a knife-)

"You're disgusting." Jeongin roughly let go of her wrist. "If you mess with him ever again I will kill you."

Damn Jeongin~~~ Felix bit his lip.

"Wonmi? Come back here!" A guy called out to her.

"Wait a minute babe!"

(This bitch had a boyfriend I-)

Hyunjin smirked as he thought of something. "Hey uhm mister. Your girlfriend here is my husband's ex and she is trying to win him back!"

"What?! Is that true Wonmi?!"

"Baby I- I can explain!"

"We are dealing with this at home." He dragged Wonmi out of there.

Hyunjin looked at Jeongin and hugged him. "Thank you for standing up for me~~"

"Ew stay away." Jeongin tried to push him away but Hyunjin didn't budge.

"Whatever let's go eat.


"And then that bitch's boyfriend arrived at the scene! Can you believe her?! But I told everything to him! Guess someone is about to lose another boyfriend!"

Jisung smiled at his wife. He was happy that Hyunjin is becoming more confident.


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