Felix starts a business

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I haven't been spending much time on Jeonglix and it is not good 😾.


Jeongin was the breadwinner of the family. He worked really hard to provide for Felix and Chan.

Felix felt bad for the younger. He wanted to contribute too.

Sometimes Jeongin would faint because of fatigue. Felix was concerned about him. He did everything he could to lighten his workload. But it wasn't enough. He wanted to work as well.

One day Jeongin was working on the couch with the laptop on his back.

Felix approached him and Jeongin looked up at him.

"Hey hyungie~" He kept his laptop aside so that Felix could sit on his lap and Felix did.

"Hey Innie... I want to tell you something." He wrapped his arms around Jeongin's neck.

"Hm what is it?"

"Uh.. on second thought maybe I shouldn't." Felix tried to get up.

"Come on tell me." Jeongin pulled him back.

"I... Want to start a business..."

"Ooh that sounds exciting~ why?"

"Because you keep working so hard for us. You sometimes forget to take care of yourself and it is not good. I want to help you and I want to contribute too. I cannot have you fainting again."

"Oh hyungie. I work hard because I love you and appa and want to provide for you guys. You don't have to worry about contributing. You already do so much for me, you cook and clean the house. But if you really have your heart set on the business then I will be very happy to help you out."

(Get yourself a guy like Jeongin, or better yet be a guy or girl like Jeongin.)

"Really? You will do that for me?" Felix gave his sunshine smile.

"Yes hyung, I love you and support you. So what are you thinking?"

"I haven't thought yet..."

"Hey you are so good at making brownies, coffee and other stuff. Why don't you open a café?"

"Yeah that could work. But it would require so much money... Maybe I should no-"

"Hyung, I will pay for it. I earn money for you only. I will pay for it. You can start small like a truck or something. And when you have enough money to hire workers you can expand."

"I love you so much." Felix kissed his cheek.

"I love you too. And I know you will do great in your business."

"Wait what? Felix is starting a business?!" Chan suddenly spawned in the room.

"Yes I am. I hope you are okay with that."

"Why wouldn't I be? Am I your ringmaster or something? I am so happy for you! But the only problem is that with the two of you at work I will be alone. And I don't know how to cook and clean."

And I don't even have a ring.

"We can hire someone. Why don't we hire Mrs. Park again?" Felix suggested.

Chan's eye twitched. "Hell no. That woman's nasty food has made me sick several times. And when she washes the dishes I can still see stains of dried soap on them. So no."

"Okay fine hahaha we will hire someone else."

A week later Jeongin successfully buys a truck for Felix and Felix is very thankful to him.

He opened the blind of the truck and his family cheered for him.

"Do you guys like it??"

"We love it! Its so cute!" Hyunjin said. "But now that you are working... Will you stop going to shopping with me?" Hyunjin looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Oh come on! How can I ever say no to shopping with my best friend?!" Felix smiled which in turn made Hyunjin smile too.

"Felix can I have a boba?!" Minho asked.

"Yes sure but the first thing I ever sell will go to my Innie. The person who supported me when I wanted to start my business." He picked up a brownie and put it on a small paper plate to give it to him.

Jeongin took it and smiled at him. "Thank you hyung!"

"No thank you!" Felix blew a kiss to him. And Jeongin pretended to catch it and put his hand on his lips.

( छपरी निबबा - if you know you know)

"Ugh okay can I have my boba now?!" Minho asked.

"Why do you drink so much boba?? You just had one this morning." Seungmin asked.

"Well if I drink boba then the baby will be sweet!"

(Logic has killed itself)

"Well the baby will be sweet. He is my baby after all." Seungmin said proudly.

"You're right." Minho smiled.

"Baby you should get a job too. Just saying." Jisung told Hyunjin.

"Why should I get a job when you are there? Plus I need to take care of Seongjin."


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