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Christmas was in two weeks. Which meant I had that amount of time to get gifts and cards ready. Problem was, I am terrible at gift-giving.

"Are you going to pay attention? Or am I wasting my effort on reading about what I already know, just for you to daydream?" Draco commented, waking me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, keep going!" I reassured him, yet I still found my brain wandering.

"Lindsey, I'm not gonna tutor you if you won't pay attention!" Draco scolded.

"Gah! Uh, I get it, I get it!" I shook my head, determined to pay attention when Draco closed our potions book.

He flicked my forehead. "What's up?"

"Have you ever been to Hogsmeade? That's stupid. Of course you have! Cause I need to go to get Christmas presents for my family and friends, and I can't go with Sophie, cause she's my friend, but I don't wanna go alone cause that's just sad, and I have a bit of social anxiety! So- uh- will you go with me?"

"I'm flattered you think of me as not a friend." He replied sarcastically.

I smiled, rolling my eyes. "Oh I wonder why?" I replied just as sarcastic. "C'mon please?!" I begged. "Oh, or is his highness too embarrassed to go with a common Hufflepuff girl? Am I too dirty to walk beside you, my prince?"

He scoffed. "I'm not that conceited!"

"Pfft! You, Draco Malfoy, conceited? Never!!" I jabbed him with my elbow.

"Well I was thinking about going, but now no." He shook his head.

"What? No! I said you weren't conceited! That's not fair!" I complained, crossing my arms.

I heard him laugh. "Fine"

later that day:

The winter air was chilly. Draco must have thought so too, as he was rubbing his arms to keep warm. Ironically enough, last time I was here, I was with Draco too, although that didn't end well... ah, memories. Ugh, I should have brought a hat.

"Where to first? And hurry! I'm going to freeze out here!" He complained.

"Really? Your so pale I thought the cold wouldn't affect you!" I joked. "C'mon icicle, let's go to Honey Dukes first!" My ears were fairly numb as we walked, and Draco started chuckling. "What?"

"Your ears are bright red." He smiled.

"I wonder why?" I said, looking at all the snow around us.

He rolled his silver eyes, taking his grey hat off and handing it to me. "Here"

I immediately put the hat on, it clashing with my olive coat and pink scarf. "Why must you wear so much black? It's quite depressing I'd say." I told him. "Here, put this on!" I wrapped my scarf around his neck, smiling. "Now you at least have some color!"

The cold was getting to Draco's cheeks, so he started walking ahead. "Honey Dukes!" Is all he said.

The air was nice and warm inside the candy shop, so I took my time picking out candy. For Timothy, I got a chocolate frog, (he would love the collectibles), as for Joshie, I got him a packet of Bertie's Bots Every Flavored Beans. Mom likes chocolate, so I got her a chocolate cauldron, and Dad liked just about anything sweet, so I got him a sugar quill. And Sophie loves Bertie Bots as well, so that's what I got her.

"You're not getting anything for yourself?" Draco asked as we got to the checkout.

"No I got just enough for this if I wanna get everyone gifts," I said as I paid.

I waited outside while Draco finished paying for his stuff, and before too long I was approached by a familiar figure.

"Hey Lin!" Sophie said, as she approached me, hand in hand with Oliver.

"Oh hey Soph!" I smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be coming here alone? You can join us if you want." Sophie invited me.

"Thanks, but I'm waiting for someone," I said as, speak of the devil, the door opened and Draco came out.

Sophie looked between Draco and me, eyes wide, before she let go of Olivers hand and mouthed to me 'Draco?!' She pointed. I nodded. 'Are you two together?!' She asked, folding her hands together in front of me. I furrowed my brows, rolling my eyes. 'No, of course not!' I shook my head. She wiggled her eyebrows at me and started making kissy faces.

"Are you 10? Bug off!!" I laughed. "Now if you will excuse me, I'm trying to buy YOUR gift!"

"Fine, fine! But we're talking later." She again wiggled her brows.

"Bye, Sophie!" I exclaimed. Walking off without Draco, so he had to catch up.

"What was all that whispering about?" He asked.

I slid my hands in my pockets. "Nothing" Draco raised an eyebrow but brushed it off. "Fine, Sophie is under the delusion that we-" I motioned between him and me, "- are an... item of some sort..." I laughed, as did he.

"Like I would date someone as lowly as you," he remarked.

I scoffed, offended. "'Lowly as me'? Like I would ever date your arrogant butt, Draco Malfoy!"

"It's 'Your Highness' to you" He joked. I stopped walking for a second, while he continued. I grabbed a handful of snow and shoved it down the back of his coat. He gasped, stiffening, making me laugh. "That was uncalled for!"

"But it was funny as crap!" I held my belly, as I laughed. "C'mon Mr. Arrogant." I pulled him along to Madam Puddifoots tea shop. "Tea should warm you up."

"I'm not going in there with you!" He stopped.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"That's where couples go on their first date! It supposedly means you'll be together forever." He told me.

"Well that only applies to couples." I kept pulling him. "Besides, you're going to get a cold!"

"Absolutely not." I glared at him, took more snow in my hands, and piled it on his head. He still didn't move.

"Merlin! You're as stubborn as a mule!" I shouted. He had a triumphant look on his face. "But so am I, Draco Malfoy! So you're going to that tea shop! Look there's even a fireplace!" I said as I pulled on his arm, making him wobble. We stood there for a while, bickering. "C'mon Draco! Now I'm even cold, I can't even imagine how you feel!" He scoffed.

"Fine!" He agreed.

"And look, you'll even match!" I said, tugging on my pink scarf he was wearing, which was the same shade as the shop. This comment made him roll his eyes. "Now let's go warm you up, Your Highness."

As I made him stand by the fireplace, I sat at a table, pulling out a book. The book was Jane Austen's arguably best book, Pride and Prejudice.

"What book is that?" Draco asked as he sat down.

"Oh it's a Jane Austen book, Pride and Prejudice!" I told him. He raised an eyebrow, having never heard of it. "It's fairly popular! I can't believe you haven't heard of it!" I thought for a moment. "Right, she's a muggle writer! Well, it's a good book, I recommend it if you like reading."

"So you like reading then?" He asked.


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