━━ frequently asked q's !

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answered below !

Q.  what is the main leads' ages in the silk's scent story?

I actually wrote the story right after the first ending of the villains are destined to die ! series.  meaning in this penelope is around twenty years old,  which happens to be the same time around when claude is about 31-32,  as athy is only four or five years old in the beginning of the story.

Q.  what is the age gap between penelope and claude?
somewhere around eleven to twelve years !  I know it sounds a lot given penelope was so young but I assure you they were both adults (as I've seen some readers being concerned over in many of the comments).

Q. did penelope and callisto break things off?  did she actually betray callisto to marry claude?

now I know this is mentioned a lot of times in the story itself where penelope blames herself for 'betraying' callisto,  but I assure you that's mostly just penelope's tendency to self-blame before anything with only a little truth ! 

in fact,  the story starts after callisto and penelope have broken up for the first time (because penelope felt suffocated and felt as though callisto was trying to cage her + control her)  and the marriage between claude and penelope happens because the emperor wishes to forge an alliance between inca and obelia (while using war as an excuse to send callisto away !)  so in all technicality penelope did not actually betray callisto.

Q. would east of eden / volume two make a comeback?

honestly I just got super busy with college etc and that is why I did not continue the story :')  

I do wish to write more,  and hope to get back to it once I get time.

that is all for now and I hope it clears things up for you guys !  as for the callisto sympathisers,  trust me I'm a penelope/callisto shipper too TT that was the reason I chose to not write callisto as a villain and stuck to how he originally is in the novel despite having claude as the male lead !  maybe in future I will write a story with callisto as the main lead haha.

for the time being,  this is all !  please leave any more questions you guys want answered in the comments and I'll do my best to answer to all of them !  I am eternally grateful for the love you have all showered silk's scent with and hope you guys continue to enjoy my work in the future too ! 

- with love,  hammy.

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