━━ chapter I.

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LIGHT BUT PERSISTENT , the steady drizzle that had been pouring outside the mansion in the morn carried on until the afternoon , half-hearted as the entirety of eckart mansion .

however the flair of the gold-plated that arrived was not one bit affected by it , however . the man who exited with the chauffeur in tow was presumably the envoy from obelia , with the same ― pompous air that most of the high nobles carried themselves with .

he had tired , golden eyes ― ones which never quite hid the cunning , ambitious gleam despite the dark circles that surrounded them . his silver hair was put together , like the rest of him , and light drops of rain marked the shoulders of his coat as he walked forth to greeting the eckart men who were ( save for reynold ) standing at the entrance to welcome him .

he bowed " it is an honour to meet the grand duke of inca . " the young master that stood beside the grand duke looked not one bit pleased with his presence .

as if unaware of his son's displeasure , the grand duke returned his greeting curtly , " the honour is ours , duke alpheus . I hope you didn't have any trouble on your way ? "

alpheus simply shook his head in humble denial , before following the duke within . penelope was introduced later when she arrived with the servants bringing the refreshments in .

as he'd heard of it ― roger alpheus couldn't help but agree that she was indeed beautiful , perhaps more than the hearsay ― a tall , willowy figure with long azalea tinted hair cascading down her back , and clever marine eyes . and yet , penelope eckart struck a vicious impression , looking all but amused clad in clothing darker than the weather .

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