━━ chapter XX.

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[ the letters ]




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HAPPINESS CRYSTAL over his features , the duke had to stand back a moment to take his daughter's image in completely ; it had been some months , true , but she looked far too grown up ― mature in such a short time ― he couldn't help the swell of pride in his chest that appeared watching her carry herself with such grace , every inch the empress no-one expected her to be .

" welcome , father . " she said , giving him an earnest smile , to which he couldn't respond ― not with words anyway . so instead he ended up engulfing her in a warm embrace , patting the back of her head .

" happy birthday , dearest . " he said , pulling back to press a kiss to her forehead in an affectionate manner .

" can you please stop hogging her ? I want to be done with my wishes too . " came the cranky voice of reynold from behind them , and the duke couldn't help but shake his head as he watched his younger son loop an arm around penelope's neck and mess her hair .

" tch tch , look at you pretending to be all sophisticated ― hah ! " he teased , earning a jab in his ribs delivered promptly through penelope's elbow .

" ― OW ! i was just trying to wish you a happy birthday ! crazy bitch . " he muttered angrily , shoving a gift in her hand whilst scowling at her at the same time .

the duke clicked his tongue , pinching the bridge of his nose in an irritated manner ( * that still did not hide his little smile , though . )

" she is married now , reynold . and an empress at that . show some dignity and don't embarrass me in front of the emperor . "

and as if on cue , claude made his entrance in the receiving hall with athanasia at his side .

" blessings and glory upon the sun of obelian empire . " the duke greeted , reynold quietly curtseying along with his father . claude nodded in acknowledgement .

" i'm thankful you accepted our invitation , duke eckart . your presence honours obelia . " he said , voice composed .

" the honour is mine , your highness . "

the conversation flowed freely between the men , athanasia being occupied once again with reynold who had ― surprisingly ― prepared a gift for the little princess too . she seemed fairly fond of 'uncle' reynold , who was insistent on feeding the little princess' mind with various mischievous ideas for god knew what reason .

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