━━ chapter XLVI.

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"so prepare for the coup of the century,

be prepared for the murkiest scam!"


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NOW BLACKENED - the wound from the night before looked in a worse condition than before , despite the bleeding having completely stopped . it was a raw , still . an open wound upon which in lieu of red , there was a covering of a black tar like substance which seemed to cover the entire skin around , with roots of it similar to arteries spreading in outward direction . the maids looked horrified by the sight alone , and penelope simply demanded them to bandage it and cover it with a puffy sleeved shirt .

" your highness ? " the voice of general called from the entrance , uttering the words that she'd been expecting , " the mage council representatives are here . " penelope simply gestured him to let them enter , asking her maids to prepare refreshments for them . it wasn't long after , magus janequin and the high conjurer entered the tent .

" blessings and glory upon the moon of obelia . " they bowed , " we heard the empress asked for our presence ? " diccon janequin , the man she'd met before in the capital , added with his eery smile . however , penelope remained poker-faced as ever , " yes , i did . take you seats . " she said , crossing one leg over the other .

" is the empress okay ? the commotion last night was a bit - " diccon stated knowingly , his grin unchanging . but he was cut off by penelope quipping in " inconvenient for you , i am sure . my apologies for that . and pardon my manners , lord janequin , i would rather like to have a word with the high conjurer instead . "

efficiently shutting him up , she turned to the man beside him . he looked amicable , but she knew better than to go by appearances .

" what is your name ? " she asked , his reply instant "Gupan ijahir , your highness . " the name was foreign , she was sure of it . regardless , she continued in a tone of pleasant conversation , " and where did you graduate from ?"

" the university of arlanta , " he replied , and penelope praised his intellect , making the man swell a little with pride as he added , " i was even the first of my class when i graduated . "

" bit odd , isn't it ? " she said , slicing the pomegranate placed on the table to pop a seed in her mouth , her tone playful ― in contrast to the hollowed glare she cast at both men , raising her eyes from the fruit plate " ― how the first of his class conjurer from the most prestigious university in the nine kingdoms , left the circle of the defensive magic incomplete ― and proceeded to blame the blueprint of the rune map instead ? "

silence followed her words , the conjurer growing more and more anxious under her glare with each passing second before finally caving in , falling on his knees , breaking down .

" i beg for forgiveness , your highness ! i was forced into it by the council ! they said they will fire me and make sure i don't get blacklisted from the mage community ! i had a family to feed , your highness please ! forgive me ! "

but instead of a response , penelope simply clapped to summon the guards ― who entered and arrested both the men , capturing their hands behind their backs .

" now tell me ― " she walked forth , staring down at diccon janequin who sneered at her still . " what was your motive behind this ? "

" oh , you'll know , empress . " he replied ― casting an expulsion spell on the guards around to send them flying away . within a matter of seconds , he screamed a summoning incantation .

" ATTACK ― ! " there was a war cry outside . eyes widened , the sound of numerous hooves approaching boomed in her ears ― making penelope freeze in her place . her trance was broken by an energy whip striking at her , which she dodged just barely ― the guards around rising from their places to charge at the magus who disappeared into thin air , amongst a cloud of smoke .

the entire tent was filled with a black smoke , clouding everyone's vision ― coughing , penelope found her way out with the help of the guards who gathered around to shield her as they left towards the exit . however , what they found outside was not something they'd been expecting ; the army base was attacked by twice the amount of soldiers from doth .

and helping them was the mage council , who had rebelled against obelian military forces to join hands with the enemy .

penelope felt a shiver run down her spine despite the heat . " your highness ?? your highness ?! " the general called out to her , gesturing the soldiers to make cover for the empress . " please leave the base camp and head back to somewhere safe ! we've covered this plac ― " his words faded into a scream , dark magic cast on his form as he twitched in pain , falling down unconscious .

riding close was the magus ― or should she say , traitor― janequin with black mana flickering from his fingers . in that moment , and where once penelope despised resorting to violence ― right now there was no other option left .

" scorchelio tormeris ― ! " a loud incantation cried out , penelope rooted her feet well , her hands moving deftly in air .

the wind around them paced up , the sand blizzard she'd summoned growing around her slowly into a tornado that blew away the soldiers that were otherwise invested in fighting .

" IMMOBILIZE HER ! " a man shouted , penelope turned to direct the storm towards him and right as she was about to , she felt an excruciating pain in her back , making a scream escape past her lips as she fell back into . . . . someone ?

through blurred vision , she noticed it was a man ― binding her hands into a chains that restricted magic .

golden hair . . . lean build . . .

fighting to stay conscious , she felt herself lose , as the pain faded her senses . her hand rose up , a vague grin pulling up at the corners of her mouth in relief before she fainted , and she heard herself whisper ― a name .

" claude ? "


Did claude set all of that up?? 😮STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT !next episode tomorrow

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Did claude set all of that up?? 😮
next episode tomorrow.
love , hammy xoxo

also yes the pomegranates are symbolism for abduction of maiden because that's the trick hades used to kidnap persephone. smart, right? :}

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