━━ chapter XLV.

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" beware , little girl . unkind things fester around here . "


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CANDLES LIGHTENED - empty dinner plates were taken out of the empress' tents , leaving her to retire for the night . as she lay in the dim light , watching the desert bask in the moon's glow from the slit on her curtains , penelope couldn't sleep ; whether it was a slight tinge of guilt that she felt on leaving without notice , or the nagging sense of unease that bothered her for unknown reasons , she found herself restless .

the guards stood outside her tent , which was surrounded by the military officers and the guild members , all loyal to obelia . this was the safest place she could be in , then why . . . rising from her bed , penelope chose to pick the book out from beneath her pillow , choosing to read if she couldn't sleep . the room was quiet , enough for the faint sound of flickering candle on her bedside to be audible , the turn of her book's pages crystal .

a sound of slithering caught her ear . senses sharp , she made sure to make no noise . form relaxed on the bed still , she played ignorant - a bait that her intruder had seemed to taken on . and it was then ,

TING - ! a dagger flew towards her , and within a blink of an eye penelope dodged it , managing to escape with a gash on her left arm . immediately , she cast frost daggers towards the direction the knife had come flying in , casting the spell to stupefy the intruder " stuportis ! " - however what happened then was not something she'd been expecting . the cloaked figure of the assassin disappeared in a cloud of black smoke .

" COVER THE EXITS AT THIS INSTANT ! " the booming voice of commander came from outside , a flock of obelian soldiers barging within her tent , they all looked alarmed , signifying that they were well aware of the intrusion . " your highness , are you alright ? we were informed that there was an intruder- oh spirits . . . " at the sight of blood dripping down her arm , the general gasped to himself . penelope held her arm , glaring at the man " this is supposed to be a military base , general . an intruder enters my tent and your guards don't even know ! " she snapped .

the general looked down , which made her anger flare up further ; penelope chose to ignore the pitiful look on his face and instead strutted over to the bed , where the dagger thrown in by the intruder was stuck on the bedpost . she yanked it out , taking a note of the scribbles of black that covered the blade . and as if on cue , they started dissipating as soon as she touched them , absorbing her blood that covered them instantly , making the dagger look clean as new .

it's cursed - the realisation knocked the wind out of her , eyes darting to look at the massive gash on her arm which had stopped bleeding , unsurprisingly . it was a murder attempt - penelope covered her mouth , turning to look at the general with a vexed expression on her features .

" there is no need to cover the exits , the assassin can use magic . " her words seemed to strike the general , judging by the look of disbelief on his face . " but your highness . . no one around this area uses magic . and if the assassin did use magic to travel inside , he would've been identified by the mage council in the base earlier . " not if they don't want us to know - penelope thought . " seal the tents with the mage council in . " commanded , earning an incredulous look from the general , " but your highness they - " he exclaimed , his sentence cut off harshly by the empress . " i said seal the tents . no one should be able to enter or exit those tents . use any means necessary , this is an order . "

the tone of her voice left no space for argument , and the general bowed before exiting the tents . within an hour , the tents were sealed . instead of waiting till the morn , she decided to visit the defense barrier instantly . there were some protests from the maids , however they fell on deaf ears . she had to inspect it untouched , without wasting a second more . it wasn't as if she could get sleep anyway , the jitters from the previous encounter wouldn't let her .

with the military general and royal guards in tow , penelope moved over to where the barrier was supposed to be . a small incantation of 'aparecium' whispered , the magical web that protected the barrier became visible . penelope gestured the men to follow her , unlocking the barrier with ease .

as expected , the defense barrier wasn't broken , but poorly constructed . there were various places that were left incomplete , and the rune circle was half - drawn . just as lucas had predicted earlier , this was clear indication of conjurer's incompetence .

side eyeing the general that stood behind her , penelope asked , " what do you see , general ? " the man behind her paused in hesitation , answering " a half made barrier , your highness . " penelope turned to look at the men with a grin plastered over her face , her eyes untouched by any traces of humour . " miriya ? " she called for her assistant , who stepped forth instantly . " jot the names down of the gentlemen in presence as witnesses , and the state of the defense barrier . "

" yes your highness . " she replied , scribbling on the leather bound diary that she carried with her . " and leave for the capital right at this instant , " penelope's next words made her look up at the empress , dumbfounded . " pardon , your highness ? "

penelope raised an eyebrow , " you heard me , miriya . i want you to leave at this very instant , so you reach the capital tomorrow , and inform his majesty of this matter before any of us return . rebuilding this barrier will take me some time , i don't want to delay the required action regarding this matter until then , understood ? " taking the hint , miriya bowed " you can trust me with that . blessings and glory upon the moon of the empire . " she curtsied , taking her leave .

" general ? " looking at the man , penelope added . " invite the mage council to have tea with me tomorrow morning . "

" yes , your highness . "


anyone else find it oddly sexy when penelope takes charge of things??

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anyone else find it oddly sexy when penelope takes charge of things??

or am i the only one???


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