━━ chapter XXXVII.

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TEARS OUTLINED MARINE EYES ―- widened as thousands of emotions flickered over them like a tornado ; shock , fear , sadness , and even the faintest of longing all displayed over glossed hues transparent , rare as it was .

his eyes were still , though . still as they smiled down at her ― and he pulled his mask away to reveal his face . under the moonlight , golden hair shined brightly as she'd always remembered it to , and there was a smile on his face ― although it was bitter .

" i was afraid you'd have forgotten me by now ― " he said , closing the distance between them by commanding his horse to step closer . she dared not move , remaining still in her place as she watched him in her reverie .

" but it seems i needn't be afraid , the expression on your face clearly indicates that you have not forgotten me , my love . "

he jumped off his horse , tugging her arm to pull her down . penelope yelped ― for she had not been expecting that ― falling down and in the arms of her former lover .

" prince callisto ― please behave . " her words were sharp , as she pushed his arms away to stand back on her feet .

the taller man laughed , looming over her with the same blasted smile over his features that suggested amusement .

" my my , you've learned how to command like an empress ; perfect , I've always thought you'd make a fine queen . now there is only one problem , the emperor beside you doesn't seem right . how about we change him ? "

his hand reached forward , tucking a strand of near red hair behind her ear , the expression on his face endearing .

" the throne of inca suits you better anyway . " he murmured , leaning forward . penelope dodged him , turning her head to the side .

" crown prince ― "

" shh ― " a finger rose forth to place itself in front of her lips , gently raising her chin to make her look at him in the eye .

" don't . don't cry . " he cooed , thumb brushing beneath her eyes . only then did she realise the tears that had streamed down her cheeks .

shaking , a breathe escaped her lips . callisto's features softened , his brows pinching together ― in the same pained manner that they always did whenever he saw her distressed .

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊'𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 .°* | wmmap.Where stories live. Discover now