━━ chapter XVI.

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[ φίλος ή εχθρός ]
friend or foe ?


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OVER A MONTH HAD GONE BY ━━━ and with time , the princess' condition came to an impasse ; she was alive and breathing , but other than that her body showed no other activity . if they were to help her regain her consciousness , she would scream and wail in agony , the sound of which was so unbearable , that the emperor preferred to keep her under the sleep spell to ease her pain .

penelope had been done her own research on the techniques of stabilizing the princess' mana ― and it seemed that her divine beast's presence had been the catalyst in her already unstable mana being mishandled by her body , given the presence of her own magical power source so close to her had caused her powers to fluctuate and overwhelm her body . it had been a chore ― holding claude back from ending the life of the magical beast the very instant he found out about this . penelope had yelled at the emperor ( for the very first time ) , stunning the servants and the knights , in a moment of desperation ; after all had it not been for the beast , the excessive magical power would be absorbed back within the princess' body , instantly ending her life .

to say the palace had been bleary without athanasia's lively chatter , was an understatement . the absence of her bright smile was more disturbing than imagined ― and if she was this distressed , she couldn't even begin to imagine the anguish of those who had been around athanasia for longer . lilian york , felix , the servants of ruby palace .. they all seemed lifeless , functioning just as they had before but anyone could tell there was something very significant lacking about the way they spoke and acted .

and then there was him ― with each day passing ― growing haggard with worry . claude had lost weight , distancing himself from all . he often sat in the rose garden , alone on the table staring at nowhere in particular with gaunt eyes , the food in front of him untouched . penelope often thought of joining him , but she couldn't bring herself to . so instead she let him cope with his anguish his own way . and as the dawn washed over the sky , she would simply approach him , placing a hand on his shoulder to let him know of her presence before reminding him to return back to the palace .

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