━━ chapter XXI.

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[ μυστηριώδης ξένος ]
the mysterious stranger


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THE KNOCK ON HER DOOR ― hardly audible if not for the silence that blankets her chambers ― coaxes penelope's attention to the man who stands there with his hand extended . aside from his attire , he has the same blank look on his face as she takes his hand , quiet sure she's mirroring his expression .

they step towards the entrance of the ballroom , her hand looped around his arm . he looked displeased , she notes , turquoise eyes curious ― turning back towards the audience after lingering on his face for a fleeting moment .

" the sun and moon of the obelian empire ― emperor claude de alger obelia and empress penelope de alger obelia have arrived ! "

the announcement stilled the chatter dispersed in the banquet hall , making the attendants all bow ; she felt a warm whisper close to her ear , making her freeze .

" you don't have to force yourself to keep appearances , if you want , you can leave . " his words were oddly considerate coming from a man of his reputation ― different from the usual 'don't act rashly and besmirch the name of eckart family' she received every time she made her entrance with derrick . penelope gave claude a knowing look ,

" that would be too selfish of me , wouldn't it ? " she said , without turning in his direction as they headed down the stairs in unison . keeping appearances , making sure no-one knows what you're struggling with ; that's what she did best , after all .

the first dance was expected of the royal couple , so she let him lead her to the middle of the floor as the music started flowing on cue , his hand on her waist ― hers on his shoulder . slowly , they began to waltz , spinning in circles , shuffling feet moving fluidly to the rhythm ; he leaned close to her , the look on his face distrait .

" have i told you before that you're a fantastic dancer ? " she complimented , looking up at him . he simply smirked in response , raising an eyebrow down at her .

" not quite , i'm simply better than you . " she rolled her eyes in turn , eyes widening on being picked up and swirled in the air all of sudden ― move which earned several gasps and gushes from the crowd .

" you're much better today than you were last time , i must admit . " he added , making penelope give him a smug smile .

" oh , i have been using my free time to practice . my gown makes a rather charming partner . " laughter laced her words , as they swayed around eachother , the music slowly fading as they did .

" i hope not better than i do . " he quipped , gently dipping her to end the dance . the grins on their faces were mirrored ― relaxed despite the eyes on them . he helped penelope up , raising her hand up to press a kiss on her knuckles .

" not one bit , your highness . "

AS SOON AS THE DANCE ENDED ―claude was surrounded by approaching nobles , along with her father who were mingling and discussing business . suddenly feeling exhausted , penelope found herself walking towards the corridor behind the banquet hall which she knew would be empty at this time . the subdued sounds of music and chatter from the ballroom still audible , she leaned on a pillar , letting the night breeze hit her face .

" troubled ? " the sound made her jump , and she turned to find the source . however , the voice came again , from beside her . leaning on the pillar on the other side was a dark haired man , his eyes darker in the dim glow of the ballroom .

" my apologies for startling you , your highness . " he had a smiling voice , but for some unknown reason penelope found it uncomfortable . it was too practiced , too knowing .

" no need , i'm grateful for your worry , sir .. ? " she trailed off , an intended inquisitive edge to her words . however he paid no mind to it ( penelope couldn't help but think it was intentional ) and instead straightened his form .

" as a gentleman i believe it is my duty to look out for a distressed looking lady , is it not ? " he chimed back smoothly , giving her an interested simper . " although it does make me wonder , what possibly could worry you on your own birthday ? aren't you supposed to be happy today ? "

the meaningful tone of his voice made her uncomfortable . marine eyes turned to face him with a frown on her face , and just when she was about to retort , she heard reynold's booming footsteps approaching .

" penny ! pen ― " he stopped when his eyes landed on her , eyeing the other man with a peeved look on his face .

" tch , when will you stop disappearing from places without informing anyone ? " he stepped forward , grabbing her by arm .

" lets go , i want to dance . " he said , tugging her along .

the man remained standing in his place , the impish look on his face unchanged .

" farewell , your highness . we will meet again . "

" hey pal , fuck off . " reynold snapped , irritated . penelope gasped at his audacity as he dragged her away without sparing a second to apologize on his behalf . so instead she whacked his arm , hissing at him " do you realize how extremely rude that was , you fool !? "

" whatever , he was the one being creepy . " he huffed in response , childishly continuing to drag her in .

" what took you so long ? " once inside , claude asked as she joined his side . penelope looked back at the doorway to the corridor , turning back to shake her head in dismissal .

" no one of importance . "


ROYAL EMO BOY HAS ARRIVED ! to keep the flow of the story i had to introduce anastacius earlier in the story , however i'm not sure the rest of the timeline will stray away or not

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ROYAL EMO BOY HAS ARRIVED ! to keep the flow of the story i had to introduce anastacius earlier in the story , however i'm not sure the rest of the timeline will stray away or not .

do let me know if you guys like my characterization of the characters or not ! love ya xoxo

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