━━ chapter XXVIII.

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CONCENTRATED ― big blue eyes stare at the sleeping form of the man lying on the empress' chambers . it had been a week since she had accidentally barged in on the couple in the morning , and since then ― it had become sort of a habit .

since penelope kept busy , claude was often found lazing around in the empress' palace like a golden cat of sorts ( despite his own busy schedule ) . and although it was odd at first , athanasia slowly became used to it .

penelope too ― she found ― had grown habitual of the background presence and kept doing what she was supposed to without paying any mind to the sleeping man .

this was one such afternoon ; claude having exhausted himself , hid in penelope's bedchambers right when athanasia had to visit penelope to ask her about something regarding her studies .

penelope continued on , checking the ledger that had been given to her for the monthly expenses of the palace . athanasia stared at her father , instead .

he looks so handsome ― like a sleeping prince .

her musings were interrupted by penelope , who sniggered to herself at the sight ― seeing the little princess observe the emperor so seriously . bottom lip jutting out , athanasia narrowed her eyes at the smiling woman .

" it is just adorable , your little face scrunched up in all seriousness . " penelope replied with an apologetic shrug .

" athy was just thinking ― papa is very pretty , no ? he even wears such pretty clothes . where are they from ? "

at her question , penelope paused to remember ― humming as she replied .
" yes , his highness is very dashing indeed . this clothing i believe is grecian , it comes from the eastern lands . "

tiny hands reached out , stroking the fabric loosely hanging over the man's shoulders curiously . athanasia eyed the light embroidery on the borders of his robes , deep in thought .

" would athy look pretty if she dresses like papa too ? what if we match ? " quiet but excited , she beamed at her stepmother , who could already predict what was coming next .

" mother ― pleeeaaasee ?! please can we make a set for athy and you and match with papa please please please ?! "

and although the idea of her in similar clothes as his was ― .. less than appealing , penelope couldn't say no to that pleading , innocent ( although she was sure this was all a means to get her way , athanasia was a sly child after all . ) face .

" . . . fine , I'll ask emily to get the tailors . "

her words were barely out and the little princess was already throwing her arms over her mother's neck , constantly thanking her .

a ruckus that almost roused claude , followed by heavy shushing from both penelope and athanasia to eachother as they snuck out of the chambers .

let's say , the emperor was not at all pleased on waking up to an empty room ― and spent majority of the dinner scowling at his daughter and wife .

however their secret plan took two to three days to finish , and the matching robes for the empress and the princess arrived later during the afternoon . claude was surprised , a bit ― thus he demanded the two of them to change instantly and show him what exactly was the result .

athanasia arrived first , all giggles and smiles ― looking no less a female toddler version of him in the foreign clothing . she posed several times , reprimanding lucas' efforts to tease her with a smack on the arm that amused claude greatly .

but penelope , seemed to not want to exit the changing room at all .

curious , the emperor called for her ― to which she did not respond ― which left him no choice but to enter the closet himself , without warning .

and the sight within left him amazed .

there she stood with her hair tied up ― in front of the mirror ― eyeing her bare back with a troubled expression . she looked radiant , he admitted to himself , lithe frame graceful in the loose robes , bits of skin exposed here and there .

" ― it is bad manners to enter a lady's dresser unannounced . " she quipped , eyeing him through the mirror . claude simply shrugged in response , blank-faced as his fingers advanced to remove the hair pin that held her hair up .

" do you not like it ? " raking fingers through the magenta that came cascading down her back , he questioned . she simply tutted in reply .

" it shows too much skin ―"

that was true . penelope hardly ever dressed like obelian women , still abiding by the dressing sense of the inca empire ― which was much more conservative than in obelia . he had always seen her covered , whether it was her long neck collars ― covered sleeves ― or even gloves .

" if i go outside dressed like this , what will people think ? " uncertainty evident in voice , she said .

claude huffed , combing her hair away from her back to one of her shoulders ― his eyes fixed on her reflection in the mirror in front of them . penelope's face looked inquisitive , next to his own unreadable one .

" it is the subjects that ought to worry about what you think , not the other way around . you are the empress ― you can wear whatever you want to . " he replied in a stern manner , hands clasping her shoulders gently .

" if they stare at you , I'll gouge their eyes out . you needn't fret over their filthy gaze ― " words accompanied by a hint of a traditional smirk , were spoken in a hushed tone in her ear .

" i for one , think you look beautiful . "

LAST FLUFF CHAP 👀because from now the real plot of act ii begins WHICH I'M REALLY EXCITED TO WRITE ACK ! !! ! ! ! ! !  !

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because from now the real plot of act ii begins WHICH I'M REALLY EXCITED TO WRITE ACK ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !

Anyways ahem hope you liked this chapter love you all xoxoxo ! !

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