━━ chapter LI.

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" AREN'T YOU PENNY'S MAID ? " the second young master of eckart eyed the main standing in front of him , his brows pinched together curiously . her trademark dopey grin now turned awkward , emily looked at the servants flocking around her , and taking the hint , reynold dismissed them with another of his acerbic remarks ,  " what ? you lot don't have anything better to do than oogle the girl here ?? scram ! " he casually walked away , leaving a confused emily standing in her place . when he realised she wasn't following him , he gave her an over shoulder glare ,  " do i write invitations for you now ?  spirits , you lot are dumb . " 

he is so  ..   emily winced at the wording , but followed him nonetheless as he lead her to his personal training room . " now tell me , what does penny want ? she sent you here because she wants something , right ? she always does this . " he rambled on , grumbling to himself as he threw the wooden sword that was hung over his shoulder , wiping his mouth with the hem of his shirt . 

eyes widened , emily looked to the side , flustered — how immodest ! 

" actually..   miss told me to give you this , " on the word 'give' , reynold looked up from his task with a raised eyebrow , watching the maid as she shuffled to find something within her trunk  ; she pulled out a pink paper ,  throwing it in the air as gradually it folded itself to form a little robin ,  making the scowl that was so permanently etched on reynold's features deepen .

" what the fuck — why did she send me this ?  i don't want her voodoo shit . " he complained further , yelping when the newly formed bird pecked on his forehead . " stop running that useless gob of yours . " the bird twittered ,  making reynold's eyes widen in shock as he turned to look at emily , bewildered . 

" did this fucking bird just speak ?! or are my ears ringing ? this isn't some dumb prank is it ?? " he snapped , making even emily sigh tiredly , " young master it's miss ! it's her messenger that she sent for you . "  understanding now , reynold looked up at the bird .

" why are you sending me these voodoo dolls for messages ? can't you just write a bloody letter like a normal person ?! you freak ! " he shot back at the bird , who cheeped angrily ,  and had the situation not been so dire —emily would've thought the scenario was rather cute . the second young master was quite a sight when he was angry .

" i am in enemy's territory , you dense bastard . i can't send out normal let— " the bird clipped back , however it's sentence was cut midway by reynold's shriek ,  " YOU WHAT ?! " 

" alright don't screa— " the bird tried to reason , all in vain .

" SHUT UP ?! WHAT THE FUCK , PENNY ?! YOU ARE WHERE ?! HEY YOU ! " he screamed at emily , who jumped in her place at the sudden call . " what the fuck is she saying ?! "

" REYNOLD ECKART ! " the bird yelled back , cheeping aggressively in front of reynold's face ,  " stop screaming and listen to me , i have been kidnapped . "   " AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT EXPECTING ME TO NOT SCRE— "  " SHUT UP LET ME FINISH . " 

" SOMEONE WILL HEAR US IF YOU TWO DON'T STOP ! " emily , finally having had enough of the two siblings , cried out . her distressed tone made the two feel guilty , and a chorus of 'sorry's said in unison followed before penelope explained the entire situation to her brother . and of course , he was livid . there was even a point emily had to lock the door of the training room ( spirits knew how much courage that required . ) to keep him from making a run for the crown prince's head , again .

" we cannot act impulsively , " the bird explained seriously , adding .  " this situation is far more serious than it looks and has the potential to become one of the biggest wars we've seen in last two decades . not only that ,

this might even lead to an internal rebellion in the inca empire between the king and the crown prince . of course , that does not affect the eckart duchy ,  but you get my point . " reynold nodded , flopping down on the stack of hay dummies with a groan .  " you're such a useless mage , you know that ? " he shot at the bird ,  " what is the use of all those powers if you're gonna get yourself kidnapped ? mangy little hedgehog . " 

the bird sighed in a manner all too similar to penelope's ,  " just do what i asked of you . "

" this better not be boring , or i'm out . " he stood back up on his feet , dusting the hay from his thighs .

" oh and i want her , " he smirked in a suggestive manner , pointing at emily who blushed furiously in response . the bird twittered angrily , cursing some obscene words that emily did not expect her miss to say —  as reynold added ,  " for help , of course . you don't expect me to carry this out on my own , do you ? "

" f i n e . "

i don't have much to say except : TEAM ECKART TO THE RESCUE !! 

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i don't have much to say except : TEAM ECKART TO THE RESCUE !! 

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