━━ chapter XVIII.

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&& . some things are best left

unsaid , my sweet .


[ three months later ]




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AFTER MONTHS ― the eckart mansion seemed livelier than before ; ever since Penelope's wedding it was as if the mansion had fallen into a dull routine . albeit the princess was not a loud presence , her departure still made the eckart mansion quieter ― just like the time after the duchess had passed away .

hearing from obelia livened things up quite a bit ― second young master Reynold had jumped over the sofa to dash quickly to the living hall , as soon as he heard there was a messenger from obelia .

however it wasn't a letter ― but an invitation . a ball was being organised in the palace of obelia in the honour of the empress' first birthday in obelia , since the people hadn't been able to visit the wedding ceremony , it was also held as a welcoming ceremony for the empress to introduce her to the people of obelia .

attached to it was a box , by penelope written on top of it in the very familiar cursive of the princess' handwriting . it was addressed to the duke , who excitedly opened to find a brooch inside , along with a note .

' forgive me for not writing to you for so long , father . i couldn't find the time amidst my duties to do so . obelia has taken to me well , as have i . the royal family is very welcoming . i hope you come to the ball personally , i have missed you .

yours ,
Penny . '

BEAMING ― the duke passed a smug look at the second young master as he immediately put the brooch on that had been sent by the princess .

" it looks smart , does it not ? obelia sure is good with their craftsmanship ― oh wait , how would you know ? " he laughed , much to the second master's displeasure .

" you haven't received anything ! "

it was decided that the duke would visit obelia himself ― as per the princess' request . and along with him , second master Reynold decided to go as well since he was absolutely not going to stay back in 'this bleary mansion and kill flies while you have a vacation in the foreign kingdom!'

first young master Derrick , however , chose to stay back and look after the estate . he was best suited to anyway ― but it was hard to miss the slight disdain that marked his face when he had heard the duke mention how it had almost been an year since the princess had been wed and what a good pair the emperor and her made .

it was for the best if he didn't visit , after all .

Fennel ― the butler ― watched the sudden excitement in the mansion with a slight sense of endearment as he prepared for the travel .

" my lord ? " he bowed in front of the duke , who was busily sorting documents and finishing any formalities that he had to before his trip .

" ― ah , yes , fennel . what is it ? " he questioned , eyes not once rising from the parchment .

" if my insolence is pardoned , i would like to ask you for something . " he said , voice cautious , making the duke look up at him with curious blue eyes .

" i ― " he continued , hesitation clear in his words . " i wish to accompany you and second young master to obelia . " uncertain eyes looked up at the duke , whose face was unreadable . it was odd how alike him and penelope acted at times , despite not being related by blood .

Fennel lowered his eyes , prepared for the rejection that was to come ; truth be told , it really was an insolent request . why on earth would a butler ask his master to visit his daughter's married home ?

so when the duke laughed , Fennel was surprised . worn eyes rise to look at the duke , who approached him to slap his arm in a friendly manner ( seriously , what has gotten to him ? )

" i see . fair enough , prepare for your travels ― if you wish to see the princess so much . I won't stop you . "

he commanded happily , before strutting outside the room muttering something about 'preparing a gift' for his daughter and the royal family . it was as if the Duke's cheeriness knew no bounds , today . nothing anyone does or say could ruin his good mood .

in his optimism , he thought the butler wanted to visit penelope for he was missing the princess , which wasn't entirely untrue ― Fennel thought , exiting the room to head for his chambers instead . inside , he opened the metal chest beneath his bed , dishing out a bunch of letters tied together with a silk ribbon ― his visit had another meaning .

he had a job to complete .



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so old butler has a task to finish back in obelia eh??? but don't worry ! this old man is loyal to Penelope and isn't planning on hurting her .

instead , this is just related to something that had been forgotten in this series so far and needs to make an appearance .

stay tuned to find out !
hugs and kisses !
- Hamlet xoxo


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