━━ chapter LIII.

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"but i was crying on the staircase, begging you please don't go."

THE NEXT MORNING , penelope finds herself staring out of the window still

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THE NEXT MORNING , penelope finds herself staring out of the window still . she felt like a bird in cage , trapped in this foreign realm , in a stranger's house . she wondered if she was considered a traitor back home ― or was obelia even her home ?  she really did not know . inca empire had never really been her place of belonging , after all .

it was ironic ― how despite having worked so hard for either of the nations , here she was . alone ,  trapped ,  and unable to return home given the war being declared between the two kingdoms .

her room is quiet ,  save for the chirping of the parrot that sat perched on the golden cage near the assigned vanity . she looked at him with pity ,  as he chirped back to her with a similar , sad tone .

he must feel the same as me .

a loud knock broke her reverie ,  and before she could sit up and make herself presentable ― she heard familiar , booming footsteps enter  ;  so it was him . upon realisation , penelope didn't bother correcting her stance and just remained laying on the bed , staring up at the ceiling .

“ ahem ahem ! ” he loudly called ,  pushing forth the food cart he'd brought along with himself ,  something penelope tried not to look at as he took a seat beside her feet that were hanging off the bed .

“ i heard you haven't been eating ― and i know you well enough to be aware that your appetite increases when you're stressed ,  instead of the other way around . ”  he stated , pleased with his work as he served a plate .

“ and i will not have my princess starving herself because of some trivial matter . come now , penelope . eat . ”  he patted her leg , urging her to sit up .

with her best cold glare in place , she sat upright to eye the man ― with a plate of spiced chicken and her favourite cheese in hand ― and said ,   “ leave me be . ”

callisto flashed his trademark ,  mischievous grin ,  before pulling out a set of fork and knife to set the plate on  the bed .

“ fair enough ,  i'll eat it all  ;   it seems the princess has lost her spice during her stay in obelia ,  resulting in her inability to stand spiced foods that she once used to love . ” and with that , he started eating ― moaning with pleasure at the taste .

as if it wasn't bad enough he brought the food in front of a starved person ―  he adds these ..   obnoxious sounds !  penelope bit her lip ,  trying her best to fight laughter .

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