━━ chapter XIV.

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you are so beautiful ,

you turn ugliest things to a work of art

beauty blooms , beneath the

touch of your fingertips .





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KNOCK KNOCK ! sound of small fists against the door of the bedchambers woke the empress up . surprised , she ordered emily to quit braiding her hair and instead go check who was at the door .

picking the loose braid from where it was left , she started twisting the pink tresses back to finish , when she saw emily in the mirror ― a dopey grin on her face as she held the princess in her arms .

a smile instantly came on penelope's face and she turned to greet the princess .

" good morning , athanasia . " she said , extending her arms ― an invitation that was accepted by the princess right away by leaning into penelope's arms instead .

emily's grin disappeared instantly , and she complained " this is quite unfair , your highness , i gave you chocolate the other day an yet you ditch me for the empress' embrace so soon ! "

penelope laughed at her response , carrying the princess away from the dressing table . it was astonishing , and impressive at the same time how easily the princess charmed everyone in the palace .

" but athy came to discuss something very important with miss empress ! don't worry , emily , athy will play with you later . " she promised , earning an interested look from her stepmother , who sat down on the sofa .

shifting to cradle athanasia properly in her lap , penelope turned to emily .

" you heard the princess ; now make yourself useful and bring us some breakfast , I've got business to discuss with her highness . "

athanasia , who was carefully observing the end of penelope's braid , looked up at her with a serious look .

" your hair is very pretty , miss empress ― athy has never seen such a nice colour . "

penelope grabbed the princess' hands , bringing them up to her lips to kiss her knuckles ― which made a blush spread over the little face of the girl .

" thank you , athanasia . now , what was it that you wanted to discuss with me ? "

MEANWHILE ― ruby palace was in chaos . the maids , gardeners , cooks , all were bustling around the corridors , searching for the princess who hadn't been found since the dusk .

sun rose above in the sky , and as did lilian york's anxiety ; she couldn't stop her tears , which served to further add to ser felix's worries .

" it is all my fault ― i shouldn't have left her alone in the room after the last incident ― i shouldn't have .. " lilian sniffled , holding the handkerchief up to her face .

felix reassured her , rising to head towards the emperor's palace to inform claude about the ordeal .

on his way , he crossed paths with the empress' maid ― who stopped in her tracks on seeing the look on his face .

" ser felix ? you don't look too well ― did something happened ? "

the knight could only sigh , wiping his brow in a distressed manner before explaining the whole situation .

emily gasped ― slapping her forehead .

" oh heavens ! i should've informed lady lilian of it ! there is nothing to worry about , princess athanasia is with the empress since the morning . "

felix sighed ― spirits ! it was as if a boulder was lifted from his chest .

" please inform the ruby palace that I've found the princess , i will go fetch her back . "

when arriving in the empress' palace , felix was ― pleasantly , he may add ― surprised at the view in front of him . the princess and the empress got along fairly well , but the spectacle in front of him would make anyone mistake the pair for actual mother and daughter .

the empress was sitting on a garden bench , princess on her lap , with a book opened in front of them ― reciting what looked like something from athanasia's classes .

a sound of clearing throat caught the pair's attention , followed by a greeting from the knight .

" blessings and glory upon the moon of the empire . " he curtsied , turning his gaze to the princess .

" your highness , the entire ruby palace has been searching for you the whole morning . lady lilian was so afraid that you were kidnapped ― why did you not tell her before coming here ? "

athanasia , pouted guiltily , looking at the knight with big eyes ( clever little thing , ) before replying .

" i was with mother the whole ti― " she trailed off , freezing instantly in her place . felix too , seemed surprised by the sudden slip up .

" i apologize on the princess' behalf . " after a while , penelope broke the silence , looking at the girl with a slight grin .

" next time you visit mother , make sure to at least inform lilian beforehand , will you ? "


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