━━ chapter XXIV.

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LANGUID SMILES ― present on face regardless of the news . at times roger alpheus often wondered just what made this man before him so carefree . he was never a bit distressed , always so smug ― confident in what he was doing ( albeit his confidence seriously concerned alpheus . )

it was as if the man was not once scared of losing anything ― and truth be told , he was right to not be . after all what did he , the fallen one , had to lose ? he wasn't even alive in the records of history . he was a mere ghost , ghost of an atrocity that had happened years ago . and ghosts did not feel fear .

they had nothing to lose .

eery laughter escaped the haggard man seated comfortably by the fireplace . he looked relaxed , almost amused at alpheus' concerned face .

" do you usually look like that or is it a special look that is made on my presence , duke roger ? " he asked , leaning forward , chin resting on his palm .

" what look ? "

" as if you're constipated on words and thoughts . " he clipped , before erupting into another quiet peal of laughter . roger sighed , removing his glasses to rub his eyes tiredly .

" she may have not thrown your obnoxious attempt at flattery this time , but you ought to keep in mind that this game you're playing is dangerous & futile ; what possibly could you gain out of sending flowers to the empress ? are you not afraid of the consequences if the emperor finds out ? "

a sly smile curved on his face , dark eyes casting a lazy ― but knowing glance at the duke with raised eyebrows .

" not one bit . but you are , aren't you ? it's funny how scared you are of being involved in a scandal related to the empress . you should be honoured , duke , I'm giving you such a marvelous opportunity . "

" do you realise how serious this is ?! " roger snapped , making anastacius laugh yet once again .

" don't worry , alpheus . everything i do has a reason behind it , and i know more than you think ― so just trust me , and lend me the resources that i require for this task ― and i will ensure that you don't have to clean the shit behind . "

how vulgar ― roger stared at the man with wide eyes , incredulous . it was so hard to imagine this man once being the crown prince .

" fair enough . i do not wish to be implicated in any of this , so be cautious . "

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊'𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 .°* | wmmap.Where stories live. Discover now