━━ chapter XXXI.

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[ άγνωστη απειλή ]
an unknown threat



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WOKEN BY SLEEPY HUMMING ― penelope keeps still , amusedly listening to the unknown tune that the emperor hummed , his arms snaked around her frame still , keeping her close .

last night left a lot of questions in her mind ; whether it was the sudden desperation that the man had shown , or the meaningful words that indicated he knew more than she had thought him to .

she never expected much from the marriage ; penelope was no wide-eyed fool . she had long given up on such flights of fantasy . besides , having not received love ever in any form that wasn't broken ― she didn't believe herself to be capable of it either . not in a way that was perfect , anyway .

but what lay between them wasn't love either , was it ? ― she often mused : what is it that they had ? ― and for an unknown reason she found herself unwilling to find the answer . it would simply complicate things , something she did not have the nerve to deal with just now .

uncoiling his arms away from her , she slipped out of the bed without a noise , walking over to the mirror that hung on the wall . her night robe was crumpled , but not unpresentable ― thankfully . hands rise to fix the hair that had been undone ( once again ) by him the night prior , her eyes caught the right of a small picture that sat on the table right beneath .

elegant frame of gold , the picture was dark in contrast . it was of a woman ― not more than sixteen ― with chestnut hair and forest green eyes . she had a coquettish manner of smiling , which was oddly sly on her otherwise angelic face .

penelope picked the picture up to examine it closely ― the small cursive engraved on the bottom of the edge that said ' penelope judith . '

gasp ― quiet sound escaped past her lips at the sudden sensation of someone else's breath on her neck ― strong arms encircled her waist from behind , trapping her .

" good morning . " claude whispered , lips chaste on her neckline . penelope ― once the surprise wore off ― seemed distracted , far too occupied with the picture than the man behind her .

" who is she ? " her question was genuine , but the icy tone of claude's reply surprised her .

" not someone worth mentioning . "

penelope placed the picture down , knowing better than to prod further . she turned to face him , hand reaching forward to sweep away the golden strands that had strayed below .

" fair enough , your highness . " her reply seemed to satisfy him enough . and just as he leant down closer ― there was a knock at the door which made him scowl instantly , his eyes closed in irritation .

barely refraining to laugh , penelope called , much to claude's annoyance .

" come in . "

a clueless looking sir felix entered , his eyes widening at the sight of the emperor standing with the empress in his arms , and he gave a knowing ― apologetic greeting to the couple .

" pardon me , your highnesses . someone from the high mage council has come to meet her highness regarding something . he says it's urgent . "

" I'll get going , then . " she replied , swiftly escaping from claude's grip who looked practically dejected and dangerously close to striking felix if given the opportunity to .

penelope quickly fixed her hair into a braid , and asked the maid who had accompanied the royal guard to inform emily to get her changed as quickly as possible .

brisk steps exited the king's chambers ― but not before kissing claude on the cheek as an apology for leaving on such an urgent note .

" I'll see you later in the afternoon . "

she murmured , easing the scowl that remained stuck on his face a tad bit before scurrying outside the chambers with felix on tow .

once they were out of the chambers ― the gentle grin that had graced her features wore off startlingly quick . visage sullen , she turned to the royal guard following behind her .

" i need you to do me a favour without letting his majesty know about it , sir felix . "

" yes , your highness ? " he asked , surprised at the secretive order .

" investigate every paper that his majesty has received yesterday and inform me if there is anything unusual . "

with that , she strode over to her own palace without a word , leaving felix confused behind her . but the way she had mentioned those words made the command sound way more important than it would seem to the eye , thus felix didn't doubt her words further and got to his job .

when she entered her chambers , emily had prepared the bath and the dress as instructed .

and resourceful as she was , it didn't take emily more than twenty minutes to make penelope presentable ― all the while filling her in on the details of the dignitary that was waiting outside .

" he is a foreigner , newly appointed i hear . " she informed , tying the sash around penelope's waist .

" he's also very young for a magus , m'lady . the stable boy told me he studied in the university of arlanta and had graduated last year . right after your wedding . "

" mhm ― " penelope nodded , putting on the earring that emily handed to her over her shoulder .

" how does he look ? "

" handsome ! "

" emily ― "

" apologies , m'lady . "


EMILY BEING ALL OF US XDalso no they did not have sex, ya nasties

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also no they did not have sex, ya nasties

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