━━ chapter LVI.

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" FOLLOW COMMANDER HARTEN ! " the knight who'd followed them yelled as he spotted penelope and the other woman riding past the secret tunnel that lead to the outskirts of the city . nine men rode behind , following them as they entered the dark passage .

" faster , girl ! we have to leave them behind ! " harten ― as penelope had heard them calling her ― addressed her mare , securing a strong arm around penelope's waist to keep her still . penelope took the hint , and elevated herself just above the saddle , leaning forward and pushing her knees close .

the mare ― taking to the command ― paced up ; had it been any other circumstance , penelope would've marveled at the way the mare majestically flew across the path , fluid as wind itself . but now was not the time . " give me the crossbow , your highness . " harten extended her hand , to which penelope nodded before handing the weapon on . the knight turned behind , aiming in the pitch dark .

thuck ― ! the sound of an arrow shot in the dark resounded in her ears , soon followed by a pained wail coming from the man , thuck ! thuck ! thuck ! three more arrows were shot , and aimed well at their followers given the thump that followed soon after as the riders fell from their horseback . penelope couldn't see it , but she was sure that at least three of the men were out , for she knew the sickening sound of arrow penetrating the flesh all too well .

" hold on tight , " penelope commanded , as a distant light was seen at the end . harten complied instantly , and penelope raced further ahead , holding onto the reins like her life depended on it .

the tunnel ended and the pair were welcomed by the sight of scorching desert , but penelope did not slow down . harten pointed her finger to the side , where they could see the distant outline of an oasis , " over there , your highness ! there will be enough cover for us to deflect these men . " she said close to her ear , and penelope pulled the reins to make a sharp turn over to the oasis .

'follow them !' the front man of the remaining followers yelled , as the group traced the two women into the dense oasis that was ahead . it was then penelope felt a pair of gloved hands covering hers , to tug on the reins , causing the mare to stop .

penelope turned to the woman in horror ―for a fleeting second , she almost thought the woman was going to hand her to the soldiers ―and hissed at the knight , " are you mad ?! " the knight shook her head and unmounted , explaining herself . " i am simply suggesting you ride away , i will stay back here and get rid of the men . " penelope's eyes widened , and she shook her head adamantly , " that is like walking into the mouth of lion , just come with me . "

the knight gave her a grin , confident , " oh , don't worry about me . i will be meeting you across the edge of the border . we don't have much time , your highness . please listen to me and go . " as if on cue , the sound of hooves through sand approached closer . penelope gave the knight one grateful look , before mounting the mare and heading over to the borders .

two men followed behind her , remaining three skittering inside the oasis . " now , lady . it's just us . do cooperate with me . " she murmured more to herself than the mare , and picked out her crossbow . it was hard enough , aiming with shackled hands , however on top of that , an arrow came flying towards her .

THUMP ! a sound of hooves jumping in the air followed ― as if to deflect the arrow ― the mare galloped into air . penelope held onto her tightly , barely managing to escape the arrow that grazed past her arm , tearing her sleeve and reopening the gash that she had received in that assassination attempt . due to the curse , blackened tar spilled out of the wound .

" stay still ! " she commanded the mare as she took a turn , enough to let penelope face the men . all the sounds were then numbed to penelope , her jaw clenched in concentration as she aimed at the men . tak ! tak ! three arrows then flew across the air , two of them aimed at the men , one aimed at the empress .

since the riders were not aiming to kill penelope , the arrow shot at her was aimed to her already injured arm . but penelope was bound by no such inhibitions , thus she had aimed directly on their heads .

the riders fell down their horses at an instant . penelope felt her vision cloud , the sun above her head mercilessly feeding into her state of dizziness until she finally fainted . the mare , not knowing what to do , carried her unconscious form back to the oasis where she'd left her master to deal with the rest of the soldiers .

when seeing her mare approach her again , harten ― having dealt with the three men ― wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth to run over to the pair . but the sight upon close was not something she'd been anticipating . panic coursed through her veins , as the knight tried to share the empress awake .

" lay your sword on the ground and hand the woman , artemis . " the sound of knight grand cross' voice made the woman freeze in her place . she turned , met with the sight of her superior standing behind her with a group of fourteen other men .

" she was forcefully kidnapped , grand cross ! " artemis bellowed at the man , " this is against our customs ! what good are we from the people we are fighting if we do the same atrocities as them ?! " the grand cross looked impassive , lifting a hand to let the archers put down their bows.

" i had advised the khan before , against letting a savage like yourself achieve knighthood . " he spit out , his voice venomous . " and see ? i was right . treason is in your blood ! "

artemis lifted her sword up , her face set in stone " if abiding by my principles is treason .. " she challenged the man superior to her , " so be it . "

" ah ah ah ― ! " the wind around them suddenly paced up , making all in presence look up at the skies as they turned a ghostly grey , dark clouds which were a rare sight in the sweltering deserts of doth rumbling with sparks of lightning that was nearly blinding .

the wind paced up , whispering sounds as if to warn them of the danger that was to follow .

a figure clad in moss coloured wizard's robes appeared . small in stature , with a fox-like grin and crimson eyes that appeared far too old for his boyish face . and despite his child-like appearance , the tone of his voice was dangerous .

" not so soon ! "


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honestly who doesn't love some badassery ? anyway , mr. royal little shit is up and ready to help his future mother in law ! #teamwizard let's gOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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