━━ chapter XXXV.

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[ απροσδόκητος ]




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FOR THEIR JOURNEY BACK IN ― claude remained silent , making a point to personally escort her back to her palace . penelope usually wouldn't prod when he was angered ( experience had taught her better than to , ) but for some reason she felt that his anger was directed at her this time ― a fact that made her feel uneasy .

opening the door to her bedchambers , he dismissed the maids with a mere wave of his hand before storming in wordlessly .

and given the force of habit , penelope felt panic crawl it's ugly head up her spine , restricting her speech ― and heavens , did she hate it .

she closely watched his actions as he closed the door behind himself , tugging harshly at his collar to unbutton the coat jacket before tossing it aside .

penelope could only watch , frozen in her place , unable to move . his silent rage reminded her far too much of a certain mad man from her past , and it reminded her of just who he was : the emperor who had slaughtered an entire palace and murdered his own kin to ascend the throne . the knowledge made her fear him in that moment .

he strode over her , backing her up against the table ― his arms on the either side of her , trapping her . penelope could feel all the wind leave her lungs , and out of instinct , she flinched ― closing her eyes .

but whatever she was expecting ― this certainly wasn't it ― not the shockingly gentle hand that came to raise her chin up to meet his eyes .

" open your eyes . " he commanded , sounding perhaps even more furious than he already was .

she opened her eyes , staring up at the man looming above her , her face distorted still . she noticed his jaw move , clenching .

" just what did you think i was going to do ? " he snapped , his voice composed . shame bubbled up in the back of her mind , and keeping eye contact with him felt impossible . her eyes still did not budge , despite the embarrassment she felt .

" i apolog ― " practiced response readied on her tongue was close to come out , but he retorted once again , cutting her off .

" don't you dare play that card . when will you realize that you're not my subject but a ruler in your own right ?! " his voice was seething , and to some extent , offended .

" what was that request that you made in the throne room ? do you think you have to visit these people and act like you need to appease them and prove to them to believe your word ? you are the empress , you could have just ordered them to fix the barrier no matter what and they will have to regardless of what they think . then why .. why do you feel the need to go to the battlefield ?! do you realize how dangerous that is ?! "

his words were boiling with barely controlled anger , and despite herself , she felt her fear fading away .

her posture eased , the frown on her forehead softening with each word spoken as she just stared at him with a bewildered expression , a realization came to her just then : he was worried .

" i'm asking you something , penelope ! " he snarled .

penelope simply brought a hand up to caress his cheek , guilty frown still lingering on her brow . claude's eyes dropped , following her hand . his jaw eased slowly under her touch , and he sighed .

" it's a simple doubt , i just need evidence before i tell you or anyone . " he scoffed to himself , staring at her incredulously .

" what is it that you can't tell me ? " irritation that overcame him , was transparent on his voice . growing more so when he watched the same ― fraudulent smile that he witnessed on her so often , the smile that never reached her eyes , morphing over the outlines of face with a precision that was not new .

" i will , once i'm sure of it myself . trust me , your highness . " and there it was , the wall of ice he had seen her build around herself , the charade of calm to evade any questions and attempts at looking past ― what an illusionist .

he felt defeated , once again . defeated at the hands of the deceptions that surrounded her ― while his own composure had rebelled against him , it was a horrible feeling . he had promised himself , he would never burn again . and yet .. here he was , standing to the fore the cinders once again , his grace slipping away . perhaps this is how foolish the moth felt , letting the flame consume it whole , regardless of the warning signs .

leaning into her palm , he trapped her hand beneath his own ― kissing the pulse that was too composed beneath his lips , too unfazed .

" i'm worried , i ― battlefield is an unpredictable place , i don't want to not be there in case anything happens . "

softly , she caressed his cheekbone ― calm like she always was .

she was inches away from him , and yet she felt too far . how ? .. the question mocked him .

how come was she always this detached , in contrast to his intensity ? ; did she feel for him at all ? but who was he to question , why now ? why ever ?

" i will have the guards with me , trust them , if not me . i'll be fine , your highness . "

he didn't say anything , and just leaned forth to lay his head on her shoulder , staying still just like that , eyes closed . it was reassuring , that at least in physical sense , she was close .

" your highness ! " the panicked voice of felix rang in the tranquility of the room , making both of them look up and to the door where he stood , panting , clearly alarmed .

" the palace has been ambushed . "


WEEWOOWEEWOO THERE'S AN ATTACK !!!!who is it??? what's coming next??? stay tuned to find out !

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who is it??? what's coming next??? stay tuned to find out !

hugs and kisses.
- hammy

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