━━ chapter XL.

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honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
we should just kiss like real people do


[ νέο κεφάλαιο ]
a new chapter


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MORNING SUN SEEPS IN , through cracks in curtains , slipping into the room soft as it ever . out of force of habit , penelope's eyes open as soon as the dusk breaks . she awakens to the feeling of strong arms wrapped around her frame still ― and although it wasn't new anymore ( oddly enough ) she still found herself surprised at his ability to stay still even in his sleep .

pushing herself upright , penelope tucks away the wine hued hair behind her shoulders to take in the view in front of her ; the morning sun adorns claude's sleeping frame , bare beneath the sheets , glowing somehow still .

he is handsome ― brushing his hair away from forehead , she muses ― he looks much like the sun . intense , scorching enough to make you flinch , and yet you cannot turn your eyes away .

she had once questioned to herself before , what is it that they had ? but at that moment the question seemed unnecessary and not worth the complications it would bring forth . but there were things unveiled last night that dished the option of brushing away off the table .

he is my husband , technically . she reasons , knuckles gently brushing against his cheekbones . i don't have the need to justify his or mine actions .

when the tips of her fingers brush against his lashes , his eyelids flutter beneath her touch ― opening softly , which is a relief considering his usually sharp defensive reflexes .

he traps her wrist in his hand , but not harshly , frowning as he shuts his eyes back again to pretend sleeping . penelope laughs ― a girlish sound that makes even claude grin , closed eyes and all .

" your highness , it's time to wake up . " she quips , raising his hand that held hers up to brush it against her lips .

" you are no sleeping beauty , are you ? " she teases . claude sighs in his false asleep state , replying just as casually , his voice hoarse from the sleep .

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