━━ chapter LIX.

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"your blood doesn't frighten me,

for i am sure of this, the most terrifying thing here is me"

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NIGHTS IN THE DESERT were deceptively cold , and the sky was aglow with thousands of stars - pale , crescent moon shining above their heads like an opened claw . there was an air of anxiety that bubbled within the back of penelope's mind as she watched the doth army tents from afar , while lucas briefed them what he had in mind . their collective aim was to quell the war , by any means possible .

the plan was simple , three of them were going to go visit the enemies tents and take down the mage council , along with dismantling the weaponry , and then return back to talk the emperor of obelia with proof of penelope's innocence . it would take a week at most for the obelian forces to chase out the dothmen without their advanced weapons and the support of mage council , and thus end the war easier than expected .

" the two of you team up , since her highness is still injured , " lucas said , pointing at penelope's now bandaged wound . " you will go and deal with the weaponry , and i will take care of the mage council . and then her highness and you can teleport to where we decided on . i will join you later .

"and in case of a problem , i want you to send me a signal , understood ? " the women nodded , and the trio disbanded to head towards their separate destinations .

penelope and artemis headed over to the armory , sneaking inside the storage . penelope was never more grateful for the little princess back home than she was now , for now with those restraining cuffs removed with the help of lucas - who was asked by the princess to check on her mother - she was free to use magic .

casting a soundproofing and illusion charm , they started dismantling the machinery one by one , penelope with her technical knowledge , and artemis out of sheer physical strength . it was astounding , how strong the dame was , for it seemed as if the machinery was made out of soft wood - breaking on single , heavy blows of her sword .

however there was no time to admire her prowess , so penelope got back to work .

sometime in the early hours of morning , penelope teleported herself and artemis out of the doth army camps . they were met with lucas who arrived shortly after with the magus diccon janequin and the archmage bound in heavy enchanted chains , both unconscious .

" did you two finish the job ? " he asked first thing , walking over the fainted form of the archmage , " spirits bless them , these people are incompetent . " penelope frowned down at the two of them , looking at lucas with question apparent on her face . " where are the rest of them ? "

" i didn't kill them , " he shrugged casually in reply , " i've thrown them outside the obelian army camp , teleporting all of these gits takes time , you know ? " his answer seemed to satisfy penelope enough .

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