━━ chapter XXXVI.

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[ επίθεση στο παλάτι ]
attack on the palace


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felix's words knocked the wind out of her lungs . and the silence that followed due to fear was broken by claude , as he strode across the room to search for a weapon .

" how many men ? " he asked , breaking the shock induced trance penelope was in . felix replied without missing a beat .

" we don't know yet ― but there are a lot of them . they are all masked and wearing armour with no sigil , hence unidentified . they're currently headed towards the western wing . "

" isn't that the pathway to the crystal palace ? " penelope asked , panicked . claude turned to look at her , his face hardened .

" get out of here as soon as possible and hide in the emerald palace . I'll send felix and a unit of royal guards there , create a protection barrier around the entrance , take the warlock's help if you must . " he ordered , stepping close to touch her cheek , jeweled eyes tender in contrast to his voice .

" take care of athanasia . "

penelope didn't needed to be told twice . she clapped her hands to call for emily who looked terrified ― but was prepared for the situation , having brought penelope's crossbow with her .

" be safe , your highness . " she said to claude , who simply nodded before disappearing off to the entrance of the inner palace .

felix bowed to the empress ― wordlessly commanding him to keep the emperor safe ― before following claude in tow .

penelope sighed to herself , repressing the fear that was starting to bubble up her chest to swiftly load her crossbow .

she took the crown off her head and placed it on the table before striding out of her chambers .

" ask all the servants to leave the crystal palace as soon as possible and head towards the eastern wing , keep in mind , no one should be left here . " pace quickening , penelope headed towards the second exit behind the crystal palace .

" but your highness what about you ?! I can't leave you on your own ? " emily shrieked , following penelope regardless of the order .

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊'𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 .°* | wmmap.Where stories live. Discover now