━━ chapter LVIII.

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"it is what honour demands"

" WHAT ? " having caught the set of azure eyes fixated on her ,  penelope questioned ,  turning back to look at the man who sat a few steps away from her

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" WHAT ? " having caught the set of azure eyes fixated on her ,  penelope questioned ,  turning back to look at the man who sat a few steps away from her . he averted his eyes away , instead looking down at the hem of the teacup in front of him ,  finger tracing the edge of it .

his voice is quiet ,  and yet clear in spite of the rhythmic patter of rain against the glass window ,  " you looked lost in thought ―what was it ? " in lieu of an answer , she earns herself a question ― like always ;  it makes a ghost of a grin appear on her face .  " i was thinking about home . " she states simply in response .

it amuses penelope ,  the way he had always stared at her .  like she was a puzzle he was struggling to solve ― one he is failing in doing so , but trying regardless ― with an unexplained ,  ineffable awe in those peculiar eyes of his .

it made her feel important ,  unlike the fake princess who was the wicked princess of eckart she was known to be , someone who was blamed on without any solid explanation just for the sake of closing matters .

" home ?   you mean inca ? " he quips ,  bringing her back from her reverie . not knowing how else to answer― penelope nods , patiently adding ,  " yes ,  i miss my father . and the eckart mansion ,  i have a lot of memories attached to that place . " she doesn't elaborate further on the topic ,  choosing to turn her back to the half painted canvas in front of her .

she busies herself with mixing a particular shade to fill into the flames of the sun she'd outlined meticulously over the cloth . the rustle of fabric behind her is barely audible ,  but the feel of heat radiating behind her is what catches penelope's attention .

a hand elevates to pick a brush for her ― only then the realisation that she'd picked the wrong brush comes . embarrassed ,  penelope accepts ,  apply the paint to it .

" this is your home too , "  his voice is tranquil , catching her by surprise . " i know , your highness . "  she replies ,  her back to him ,  still . 

penelope continues what she had been doing ,  rising to paint the sun on the canvas ,  efficiently masking the demure manner her mouth had upturned to involuntarily . 

he puts his own hand atop hers ― following the strokes on the canvas . dry laughter enlaced words ,  then follow  " i hope you make enough memories here too ,  enough to miss obelia if you were to go for a long interval . "

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