━━ chapter LIV.

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"come, my darling, homeward bound
when all is lost, then all is found"

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SMALL FOOTSTEPS , trudged across the corridors  ― quickly over to the emperor's palace , having sneaked out of the emerald palace without telling the maids . there was no point in telling them anyway ,  athanasia thought ,  they would've denied her from visiting her father when he was in such an unstable condition . but it had been too long since she'd last seen him and since she knew he was going to leave for battle and she was worried he might not be able to visit her for long , so she had to see him before .

the emperor's palace was deserted as ever , not a single servant in sight . she remembered felix telling her claude never liked having people around and did everything himself , but the silence right now was nearly scary . athanasia chose not to dwell on the details , and pushed the door open without knocking ,  only to be met with the sight of claude sitting on the sofa ,  staring into nothing in particular . she didn't know why ,   but the sight disturbed her . trotting over to the man , athanasia took it on herself to cheer him .

" papa ! " she cheerily called , patting his knee . claude turned to look at her with tired eyes , humming in question . does he not want to see me ? ― athanasia couldn't help but worry if she'd come at a wrong time ― and as if reading her worries on the small face , claude reached out to pick her up ,  placing her gently atop his lap .

" did you want something ? " he questioned ,  restraining the weariness his words carried . athanasia shook her head vigorously , as if offended at the implication that she only visited him when she wanted something .  " athy came because i wanted to see papa , since felix said papa will be gone for long ! are you going to get mother ? "

her words caused a frown to appear on his face ― making athanasia instantly regret her words . what if he didn't like it ? should she divert the topic ? she was about to ,  but claude beat her to it . he replied with an indifferent voice ,  patting her head ,   " don't fret about such things , they're not for children to worry about . " 

she didn't push the topic further , and instead chose to tell him about other things ,  her studies and the dance lessons she'd recently started . claude didn't quite reply , but he listened to her ramble on patiently ,  and replied with low hums here and there . she stayed for the entire afternoon with him ,  on his own insistence ,  having her lunch together before it was finally the time for the two of them to part ways .

" your highness , the troops are ready to leave . " felix , who had appeared afterwards , informed . claude , now changed into his uniform ,  turned to athanasia . he picked her up to place her on the table , to meet his eye level . with big eyes , she stared up at him in surprise as he kissed her forehead ―a display of affection that was rare , considering claude . 

" be good , don't eat too much chocolates and stay away from your dog . " he  instructed her ,  looking at her for agreement . she nodded , little arms looping around his neck as she whispered ,  " raven isn't a dog . " claude patted her back ―  handing her over to lillian who stood beside felix , waiting for them .

rest of the day was spent rather uneventful , the palace having relaxed much more now that claude had taken his leave ―much to athanasia's amusement . the night came sooner than expected ,  and when lilian was brushing her hair before bed ,  athanasia voiced the question that had lingered in her mind for the entire day .

" lily ? "  the reply came back instantly ,   " yes , you highness ? " 

" did mother really leave ? " she asked ,  turning to glance at the nanny over her shoulder . lillian faltered for a moment ,  going back to brushing her hair gently as ever ,  " don't listen to what the servants have to say ,  princess , " she replied ,  " they have nothing better to do than gossip . her highness didn't leave willingly . she was captured by the enemies and this lot should be ashamed of themselves for badmouthing her . "

athanasia hummed ,  her form rocking gently with knees hugged close to her form .  " right ?  athy knows she didn't become papa's wife willingly ,  but she did come to athy on her own will , did she not ? " she flashed a smile at the mirror , making lillian grin fondly down at the princess . 

" exactly , which is why she will come back soon . besides , his majesty will save her just like the princes do in those age old tales ,  she will come back unharmed . " athanasia held her pinky up towards the nanny ,  " promise ? "

" promise . " lilian replied , entwining her finger with the princess' ,  " now , let's put you to bed . " she said ushering athanasia down the chair and towards the bed to tuck her in . athanasia looked up at the nanny with a request ,

" sing me a lullaby , please . " lillian complied instantly ,  softly stroking the little girl's hair back as she sang . it was understandable , she wished for a mother figure's presence . but knowing the princess , she knew athanasia would never voice it out loud ;  even at such a young age , she'd learned to suppress herself early on . 

for both ,  the emperor's and the princess' sake ,  lillian prayed that night for her promise to the princess be fulfilled .


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the last three chapters were mainly me trying to get audience vote : who , in your opinion , should penelope end up with and why do you think so ?

also omg the book is so close to ending AAAAAA i am sO HYPED !!! ^^

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