━━ chapter LV.

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"the dog days are over,
the horses are coming so you better run!"

TODAY WAS THE DAY OF ATTACK ― penelope was on the edge since the morning .  she remembered pacing around nervously in the room when callisto had come to inform her about his departure ;  he wanted her to kiss his sword for good luck , to which penelope had refused instantly .

I do not wish to pray for the blood of my people being shed over something unnecessary  ― she had snapped at his face , something that did not faze the crown prince even a bit . if anything , he had exited the tower looking more driven than ever , storming out of the tower with thundering footsteps .

from the snippets of information she'd gathered from the servants and reynold ,  penelope knew the emperor of inca was in no way involved in this feud between the kingdom of doth and the obelian empire , since he has been in a good relationship with obelia ever since her marriage .

in lieu it was the crown prince who was secretly supporting the dothmen with his own forces , and that combined with the mage council which had rebelled against obelia ,  doth was quite the competitor for obelia this time .

the knight that guarded her chambers was changed today ― something she was glad for ― making it easier for penelope to plan her escape as soon as the dothmen would leave the fortress to participate in the war .

but the biggest challenge she had on hands was the restraining shackles that kept her hands bound from performing any sort of magic ,  and callisto ― knowing penelope ― kept any means of manifesting manual ancient magic away from her as well .

" guard ! "  immediately on the summon , the guard out of penelope's door entered within ,  bowing in greeting .   " is there a matter , your highness ? "

" i wish to go for a stroll , please accompany me . "  she said , making the young looking guard hesitate ―  " but ,  your highness weren't you not allowed to exit the tower ? " he said , to which she replied with a dazzling smile .

" I believe the fort grounds aren't considered outside . "

the man complied with her orders ,   finding no problem with a simple stroll as he gestured her ahead . penelope lead the way ,  exiting the doors of the chambers to step down the steep flight of stairs ,  the guard in tow .

her mind raced ― the picture of the training grounds that she'd been closely observing since last five days from the balcony coming clear in her head ― a rough sketch of a plan forming itself in her head .

there was a dog hole behind the stables , she'd noticed ,  which lead to the street outside which connected the fort with the markets . now if she was able to deviate the guards' attention for time enough to escape through that point , she was certain they'd have one hell of a time trying to catch her through the busy market .

helping penelope climb down the last fleet ,  the guard guided her through the training arena . turning ,  she ordered "bring some sunflower seeds ,  will you ? i wish to feed the pigeons here . "

the knight agreed ,  walking away to get the sunflower seeds the empress had demanded for . watching closely ,  once he was gone ,  penelope scanned the area  for a rough estimate ;  there were fifteen other knights around , and assuming more nearby ― who would take at least ten minutes to enter the arena .

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