━━ chapter XLVIII.

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" what kind of man loves like this? "


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I AM GIVING YOU ALL THREE DAYS . if the empress isn't standing here in front of me unharmed until then , i will make sure to hang all your heads on the entrance of royal palace as a reminder of your incompetence and what happens as a result of such . "

the vehement anger that blazed in the emperor's voice when he received the news of the empress' abduction was all too clear in all their ears― still giving them chills― as the first two days passed with no trace of the queen to be found .

as the deadline approached closer , the officials grew more and more anxious , none of them quite prepared to face the emperor's wrath .

they had full well remembered what happened the last time such rage was triggered within the man ― seven years ago ― back when the massacre of ruby palace took place .

years had passed ever since then , the time when the emperor's pent up rage had found an outlet and he had been turned into a mindless animal ― ending whatever came into his sight .

the memories still remained fresh , a good enough reason for them to avoid the man for the coming days , leaving him to mop around alone in his chambers . even athanasia was kept away .

thus when a letter came to the royal palace , addressed by the empress , all of them were relieved and skeptical at the same time ; the emperor too , was surprised briefly with the letter . he was expecting something from the captor , if anything .

the paper was still crisp , clean and smelling faintly of the penelope's' perfume when he opened it . the same .. calming scent of silk that he had often found distracting did nothing to help the constant buzz within his head when it wafted through his senses this time . dried ink , scrawled in a neat handwriting , read ;

your highness ,

this letter is an apology . our relationship was nothing but an imposition thrown on us for the better of both our states , and I tried my best to make the best of it . I tried as hard as I could to become a good empress for your kingdom ,

but that still did not make me eligible to be your wife . not when the vows I took beside you were with someone else in my heart .

I have always done what is for the better that I've been taught , but for this once I am choosing for myself .

Farewell ,
Penelope Eckart .

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