━━ chapter XXV.

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DRIED - && . WILTING , the roses that he had picked earlier in the day lay strewn over the decorated wooden table . slender hand reaches forward , fingers brushing over a flower - and in immediate reaction , the petals fall apart beneath his touch . like an irony , an analogy from past mocking him in the face . you had once touched something beautiful just like this ; it scorns at him . you had touched something delicate , and it fell apart just like this . everything you touch , you destroy it .

he clenches his hand , he doesn't pay mind to the thorns that pierce his skin . teeth gritted - a memory visits him , yet once again . you're here .. hopeful azure eyes rise to see the glowing silhouette of the woman he had once loved , the woman who once was his guiding light . widened eyes , hopeful like a child's , contort into a frown .

she looks serene as ever , her angelic features not holding one grievance . however there is a hint of disappointment he sees in fuchsia eyes - among the pool of emotions those eyes held , was also hurt . one that made his throat heavy with guilt .

do you hate me , diana ? he wishes to ask . is that why you chose to die rather than stay by my side ? do i repulse you so much ? is this because i was the one who became the catalyst of your end . . . bloodied roses dropped from his grip , bleeding hand rises in air to touch the silhouette . to feel something , even if for a second .

but as he reaches , the silhouette backs away from his touch . her brows are pinched together ever so softly on her face , tears streaming endlessly down her cheeks . her mouth parts , red lips .. red as roses .. red as he remembered them , shaking . and still she smiles at him , despite the tears that stain her cheeks , despite the hurt in her eyes . she smiles at him as if in a way to say 'i forgive you' -- but it simply causes the lump of guilt in his throat to grow larger , so much that he feels as if he couldn't breathe .

don't forgive me . i have failed you . i have failed your memory . i do not deserve any of this , not your tears , not your smile , not the spitting image of you that you left behind , and neither do i deserve your forgiveness .

he would have screamed , were it not for his inability to . words betray him , and he - proud , cruel tyrant of obelia - falls down on his knees before the wisp of a woman . a mere dancer . he falls , and can clearly hear those words that were screamed seven years ago in this very chamber at night . they still hang in air , desperation in the tone still hauntingly clear in claude's ears .

I've lost. From beginning to end I've been toyed with. If you want I'll even beg. If I don't at least do this I fear you will disappear completely. I know, I know. This is just another foolish emotional plea...even knowing that, I'm here again. Although I know how this ends...don't think about anything else. Make a decision for you and you alone. Don't go. Choose me.

they echo in his ears over and over again , not giving in to fade . it's deafening , the sound of him begging , and being rejected by quiet sobs over and over again .

" stop this ! " he chokes out , his voice cracking as he finds it back once again .

" don't go .. please .. " arms lunge forward to catch the fading silhouette , but like sand from his fingers , it escapes . fading out into wisps of light that flickers around his form that crumbles down on the floor .

it is sometime in the early morning , when he feels a gentle hand against his forehead . his back feels stiff , but beneath him is a soft mattress - not the hard floor . he feels a warm cover atop his body , and not the cold air . claude tries to open his eyes , and instead of blonde -in his blurred vision he sees dark pink hair . leaning his head back , he blinks several times to clear his vision .

and instead of the serene fuchsia from his vision , there is a set of intelligent aqua eyes staring down at him with worry clear as day behind them . he opens his mouth to speak , but instead a sigh escapes him .

" sleep , your highness . " she murmurs . her voice isn't vivacious as diana's . it is nowhere close to the lively , brazen bird-like quality . rather , it is tranquil - like still water of the pond . it urges him to obey .

" sweet dreams . "


SOME CLAUDIANA ANGST ! ! ! ! because lets be real , we're all suckers for pain here

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because lets be real , we're all suckers for pain here . because i saw some diana hate on my dashboard and had to remind myself how much of an angel she is honestly . but i also wanted to incorporate the idea @ the_flightless_bird gave me about the guilt one has moving on from their spouse's death to someone else .

anyway , next chapter most likely tomorrow . hugs and kisses !

- hammy .

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