━━ chapter XI.

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[ οριγκάμι ]



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" PAPA ― ! " from the arms of felix , the little princess exclaims at the sight of her father waiting for her in the garden . he looks spaced out as usual , but that doesn't affect athanasia's spirits ― cheery as ever , she greets in her usual bright way , ever so contradictory of her father's .

" good morning papa ! did you sleep well ? are you feeling better now ? " she chides in as usual , feet not yet hanging past the stool that placed on top of the chair for helping her meet the table , she continues to chatter and tell him about her new lessons .

chatter that catches claude's attention soon enough ; dazed as he often was , he turns to look at her , sliding a soft toy ― a white coloured bunny ― towards the girl .

athanasia squeals in joy , earning another monotonous jab from her father about 'how she needs to get proper etiquette lessons' , but that doesn't really matter to the girl who is ecstatic and hugging the bunny close to her chest .

" thank you papa ! athy loves it ! It's so adorable ― it needs a name ! " she quips , and claude gives her a curious glance , raising a single eyebrow at her .

" oh ? what do you plan on naming him ? " he asks , to which the girl doesn't reply as quickly as she normally does . instead she fiddles with the toy , and shrugs shyly .

" athy hasn't decided yet .. maybe lily and miss empress can suggest something good ― "

her answer ticks him off ― wasn't he the one who gave her the gift ? shouldn't she ask his opinion before those two women's ? ― but he doesn't mention it , and instead sips the tea placed in front of him .

felix barely makes tries to hide his chuckle ― quipping in with his usual , unchanging cheerful demeanor

" that is a good idea , princess . i'm sure she will make good suggestions , the empress is very helpful you know ? she even helped his majesty sort his work yesterday , and came to personally deliver the reports . "

at claude's expense , felix keeps on rambling in an amused way , until cut off mid-sentence .

" you seem to spend a lot of time on the palace's affairs ― doing nothing but killing flies these days ― do you not have anything better to do ? " a jab sent his way , makes the knight droop his shoulders .

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