━━ chapter IV.

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[ ο βασιλικός γάμος ]
the royal wedding

[ ο βασιλικός γάμος ]the royal wedding

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BELLS RINGING ―― announce the arrival of the groom , emperor claude de alger obelia , standing side by side with the young princess athanasia who holds onto his finger and walks with a poise so unlike a child her age .

There awaits Reynold Eckart and the emperor of inca empire , welcoming obelian royals in the cathedral .

" it is an honour , prince reynold ― " athanasia bows in courtesy , returning reynold's greeting with her own cheerful one . a gesture that makes the usually scowling second young master grin ― easily swept by the princess' charm .

athanasia who had already prepared a gift for her new mother ― looks around the place impatiently , asking him .

" where is the princess ? is it long until she arrives here ? "

reynold replies with a laugh ,

" not much , brides just take time making their entrance ― especially dramatic ones . "

Claude on the other hand , is apathetic throughout the time . simply replying to the greetings in his own curt way , not paying attention to the much heated discussion between the second young master and athanasia who seemed to chatter like they were long-lost friends .

on the other side , penelope in her mansion feels empty , sitting in her room in her bridal gown ― staring out of the window , lost in her own world .

a faint knock brings her out of her trance , and she invites the person in . the blank look on her face is replaced by one of surprise when she witnesses derrick standing in front of her , his eyes distant as they rake down her dress .

" you .. ― could you please stand ? " he requests , his voice oddly quiet . penelope doesn't resist , and does as she's asked .

he steps behind her , and it is then she feels a weight on her shoulders , the warmth of his hands obvious on her bared skin . a cloak .. she notices . one made in the colours of house eckart .

" it is custom . every girl wears her family's cloak on her wedding day . usually it is the father who puts it over the girl's shoulders but ― " he hesitates , looking at her with the same dejected blue eyes .

" thank you . " she cuts him off , with a faint grin .

you were horrible to me ― she cannot help but think , but at the regret painted over his face , she finds it hard in herself to despise him in that moment . not when he is so clearly hurt .

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