━━ chapter XV.

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[ παρωδία ]



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RELIEVED SIGH escaped penelope's lips , her trip to the magical academy had been a success . the new modifications in the training technique were implemented perfectly and the bill for allowing commoners education in the university passed without much opposition as well . month and a half passed in these preparations , and as per the empress' suggestion , the search for a new energy source for the mages was being carried out well .

with the changes being made , there was a significant growth in the number of aspiring warlocks in the university , which was a promising improvement for the coming years . even claude was satisfied with this progress , meaning her month's worth of hard work paid off . penelope was at ease , now that her workload was reduced significantly , she could concentrate more on her personal archaeological research .

this meant she got to spend more time with her new 'family' too , and more often than not , the empress found herself helping athanasia out with her sociology and geology studies . discussions about her lessons at tea-time became an unspoken rule of sorts , and with time penelope was promoted from 'miss empress' to 'mother' , much to claude's surprise . she had even brought in a pet , a divine beast called raven that the princess had summoned herself .

Penelope still remembered the first time athanasia had let the term slip in front of claude ― whose was face was so hilarious , remembering it alone sent penelope into a fit of giggles .

not to mention , the emperor too had warmed up to her presence ― for he seemed to have stopped feigning disinterest in the conversations she had with athanasia , and rather listened intently , sometimes even participating if he felt like it .

ironically enough ― the last six months were the most peaceful penelope had experienced her entire life .

let's not jinx it ― she thought to herself , waiting for the father daughter duo to arrive at their new spot .

and there they were , with princess athanasia in his arms ( a nice change from his usual manner ― which was grabbing the princess like one does a stray cat ) and ser felix . . . ten steps behind them ? she knew better than to question .

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