━━ chapter X.

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[ μην φύγεις ]
don't leave



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HOURS KEPT PASSING .. as did the papers on the desk of penelope . one by one . life of luxury my arse ― she thought disdainfully ― being an empress was more work than she'd imagined . had it not been for her college days back in her world ( since college makes a slave out of anyone , that much was true , ) she wouldn't have survived all this workload at all .

emily had brought six cups of tea meanwhile , the concern on her face growing a tad bit more with each time .

finally she had enough of Penelope's antics , and huffed in annoyance , hands on her hips .

" you can't keep over exerting yourself like this , your highness ! why can't you just do the rest of it tomorrow ?! " she pleaded , making penelope raise her eyes from the documents she'd been reviewing for the umpteenth time .

" but the emperor was sick , i must make it sure he doesn't have extra workload for tomorrow . " she stated , folding the dark pink hair that scattered over her shoulders up in a bun , securing them with an unused quill .

emily sighed , face palming at the all too familiar antics of her mistress . and it was then ― she had an idea .

coyly , with the excuse of cleaning the empty tea cups from the table , she made a sneaky approach .

" come to think of it , the emperor hasn't left his bedchambers since the morning ; i even saw the ever cheery ser felix looking irate today .. " she murmured " wonder why that might be ― "

catching on the maid's little scheme , penelope gave her a deadpan stare ― don't you think you're becoming too clever these days ? ― written all over her stare wordlessly , making the maid sigh once again .

and back at work ― Penelope couldn't help but wonder if there really was something to be concerned about . after all , Emily hadn't been wrong when she said the emperor hadn't left his chambers all day ― maybe there really was a problem .

all thanks to the maid's bait , now the empress couldn't concentrate on work . tired ― she stopped , massaging her temples . it was then a scroll caught her eye . the report she'd written to brief the emperor about the small council meeting .

technically she could give it to him tomorrow , there was no necessity to hand it in right away ―― she reasoned with herself , a small voice nagging in the back of her head simultaneously ― he might not want to see anyone .

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊'𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 .°* | wmmap.Where stories live. Discover now