━━ LX. epilogue.

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❛ with love ❜

"when the moon found the sun, he looked like he was barely hanging on

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"when the moon found the sun, he looked like he was barely hanging on. but her eyes saved his life, in the summer.

in the middle of summer, all was golden when the day met the night."


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i am not a man with of morals . i know that . but when i say i've loved you unselfishly , do trust me . i was betrayed by timing once again , and the only hope that i had for my life was snatched away from me .

i know this isn't an excuse , but i was blinded by the fate's betrayal to me to see your rejection . all the while i had presumed you were building that wall around yourself and me as you so often did ― that you were afraid of following your heart . foolish me , i couldn't even see that i was fighting a battle I'd already lost , that you had long ago slipped away .

goodness , penmanship is so hard , how do you do it ? it embarrasses me , expression through words . ah , look , I'm digressing .

in the end , i just want to apologize to you . for putting you through all i did ― and i am well aware that an apology isn't enough , so if you come up with a punishment , do reply to me . i hope you remember me , penelope . not as the selfish man who caged you for his own gain , but as the man who could have cherished you , if he had the chance to .

yours ― still ,
Callisto .

SHEEN LAYER of tears underlined penelope's eyes , as her fingers gently folded back the letter that was stained with dry tear drops , evidently holding callisto's emotions .

she stroked the paper almost lovingly , amused smile appearing on her features at the development in the words of the man she'd once loved .

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