━━ chapter XXVI.

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how much sorrow can i take ? *



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STRUGGLING ― when claude opened his eyes , there was a sharp pain in the back of his head , instantly making him regret the alcohol he had drank the night before . there was a faint sound of thunder and rain outside ― and dark still covered his chambers like a blanket , so it shouldn't be morning yet . flinching , he closed his eyes to lie back , breathing in . the soft sensation of pillows beneath his head brought him back to reality ; he had remembered falling on the floor , and then the whispered command ' sleep '

so that wasn't a part of the dream ; he tried to sit upright ― but found his arm trapped . azure eyes turned , only to find her holding on to his now bandaged hand , her cheek pressed to his forearm as she lay asleep sitting on the stool next to his bed .

she stayed . for some unknown reason that knowledge gave him comfort , and he tried to ― as gingerly as possible ― withdraw his hand .

the shuffling broke her slumber , and she shifted awake ― looking at him with a sleepy expression written over her tired face . that made him feel unnecessarily guilty .

" what are you doing in my chambers ? " he asked , mentally slapping himself at his own inability to converse in polite , gentle words .

" not fainting on the cold floor , for sure . " her response was instant ― sarcasm dry and sharp as ever , present in the tone of her voice .

a crooked grin pulled at the side of her mouth lazily , and he could swear he felt his stomach do a flip at the mere sight .

" i was here to ask something of you , but i found you unconscious on the floor ― not in the best state . " thankfully , she did not add much details , sparing him the embarrassment . " i couldn't possibly leave my husband on the floor to freeze . "

" you could've asked felix . " he replied , as she shifted to fix her hair that was coming out in all directions from her braid .

" felix isn't your wife ― or is he ? perhaps i do have something to be jealous about . " she replied with the same , lopsided grin of hers . " now that you're better , i shall take my leave . good night , your highness . "

she turned to leave . however , a tug stopped her from doing so .

turning back , she found the emperor's bandaged fingers holding on to her skirt . confused , marine eyes rise to meet his expectant ones .

" stay . " he said , softly . " please . "

said with such an uncharacteristic tone , she couldn't bring it in herself to refuse his request . so instead of stepping back , she sat on the bed , beside him .

claude too , moved to make space for her ― and lay down with his head on her lap . the gesture surprised penelope , but she didn't say anything .

for the coming moments , there was nothing but the sound of rain from outside and the occasional crackling of the fireplace filling the room . his hand reached out , guiding hers to his hair . doing as she was asked of , penelope brushed his hair in tender motions .

he lay with his eyes opened , curiously staring up at her . it was odd how child-like he could act at times , but at the same time ― his gaze was far too intense to be compared to a child's . so much , she couldn't look at him . in lieu , she concentrated on the golden hair that adorned his head ― soft as silk beneath her fingers .

he reached out , quiet as ever , and pulled the ribbon knot at the end of her braid to let it free . brows pinching just so slightly , penelope was about to question ― but as if reading her mind , he replied before she could speak anything .

" your hair is nice . " he murmured , fingers untangling the complex twists of the thick braid that her maid had taken so long to do .

" it looks better when its untied . "

penelope scoffed , but not unkindly . it was perhaps the first time someone had said that to her , compliments weren't exactly a thing when you were a substitute for someone else ― a fake . who's hair wasn't lighter , who's eyes weren't blue enough to be a proper replacement for the daughter of eckarts .

" thank you , your highness . " she replied with a practised , polite smile .

he didn't say anything , but simply turned to hide his face in her lap ― hugging her free arm close to her . but then , there was a faint voice ― so quiet , she would have almost missed it if she wasn't keen enough .

" it's claude . "




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it took me long enough but hey here we are ! anywho there'll be more penelope x claude moments from now on ( clenny??? give me a good ship name, you guys )

Also,,, do you ship claude and penny????

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