━━ chapter XXXIV.

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CRIMSON SILK ― hugging her frame looked better than she'd first anticipated . the maids behind her couldn't stop gushing as they fumbled over her hair , letting the magenta waves cascade down her back loosely . penelope looked at her reflection in the mirror ― the dark shadows beneath her eyes far too lifeless for a woman being decorated like she was a bride .

the time for audience with the emperor had come and penelope didn't even realise . it must be to discuss the matter with the mage guild , she was certain of that .

she had earlier received felix's message ― saying he had found a letter addressed to her in the pile of the papers that were meant for the emperor ― something he had not looked into , respecting her privacy , and brought the letter to her untouched .

it was the same letter callisto had sent her . and although penelope had just given a smile when felix said it must've been accidentally slipped into emperor's papers ― she couldn't shake off the feeling that someone had looked through her things , and done so intentionally .

and albeit the first conclusion that comes to one's mind could be that the person wanted to create a rift between her and claude ― something about the intricacy of the action made her think it was something more than that . something worse .

she had asked emily to keep eye on the coming and going of servants in her chambers closely .

and the issue on the border too .. the timing of it all was far too convenient to be brushed aside ; it was almost as if the person behind it all was trying to bait them . to make them believe there was something going on in the castle .

" your highness ― " a maid entered , bowing as she announced , " his highness has come to escort you to the audience halls . "

the women scurried around quickly , looking for any imperfections , checking if her crown was secured well in place . once the footsteps of the emperor entered the room , they moved from his way .

claude stopped a step away from her , his hand rising to gently touch the wisps of dark pink hair that hung near her ear , his face a blank screen as it always was .

" you look beautiful . " he stated , lowering his hand to offer an arm to her . she took it without a word , whispering her thanks as she followed him out towards the throne room .

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊'𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 .°* | wmmap.Where stories live. Discover now