━━ chapter XLII.

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"tastes so good , feels so real ,
sounds like something that i used to feel"


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CAUGHT IN HER SCHEDULE ― where the time flied away , penelope never realized . the matter he needed to discuss with her 'in private' long forgotten along with the thanks she owed to claude for taking her side in the council ; it wasn't anything new for her anyway , she had always been bit of a workaholic , so it wasn't exactly a surprise . not to emily who tried her best to subtly hint the empress about meeting the emperor by repetitively asking her if she was forgetting something . but all the poor maid's efforts were in vain , for the empress kept remembering tasks she was supposed to finish rather than her promise to the emperor .

Claude , however , was not familiar with this habit of the empress . so saying that he was sorely disappointed was a heavy understatement , because not only dejected , he was pissed . and the results of his passive aggression were to be dealt with poor felix , who was very close to resign from the position of serving as the nanny of the sun of obelian empire ― how lady lillian did it , he did not know ― but at least they had one thing in common .

" AH , M'LADY ― ! " finally having enough of her mistress' actions , emily shrieked , hands on her hips . penelope looked up from the budget plan to raise an eyebrow at her seemingly anguished maid , with the look on her face similar to someone's who had seen a squirrel throwing a raged tantrum .

" why are you like this ?! " she whined , earning another surprised ― but entertained look from penelope , who rolled her eyes to snap back , " cut the shit and come to the point , who hurt you ? "

emily looked at her incredulously , as if she couldn't believe her lady's words . " no one hurt me , m'lady ! it is you who hurt the emperor ! you promised to visit him earlier and you've been neglecting any efforts i made to remind you all this time ! "

now that made penelope jolt up from her seat instantly , slapping her forehead as she remembered what claude had said back in the small council . she cursed within her head , clicking her tongue as she moved away from her work desk with hurried steps , throwing away the ink-stained gloves carelessly to stride over to her vanity , grabbing her hairbrush .

" good heavens , emily ! couldn't you simply ask me to go rather than pass me passive aggressive hints ?! come help me with my hair , quick ! " she cursed , hissing as the brush tangled itself in her hair . emily sighed at the scene in front of her , shaking her head in disbelief before stepping forth to get to work .

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