━━ chapter XLVII.

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" a vastness of eternity haunts us all "


❛ ARE YOU CERTAIN she is your lover ? because when she was about to faint , the name she called out was not yours

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ARE YOU CERTAIN she is your lover ? because when she was about to faint , the name she called out was not yours . " a foreign voice sounded in her ears , distant as if coming from a far away place .

the reply came in a masculine voice she was all too familiar with , " i've given you what i promised , asking questions is not your place . "

" it is , I am not stooping low enough to match the level of those obelian cunts ― if the woman does not want you , why are you so insistent on keeping her ? didn't you claim to love her ? you should respect her will , then."

and upon being called out , callisto's voice snapped back , " it is her sense of duty and pride that is keeping her from following her heart . you don't know her like i do . she always does this , sacrificing what her heart desires for the better good that those old sods have decided . hence keep quiet and fulfill your end of the deal , and you will get what you wanted. "

a mocking laugh followed in reply , the booming sound of heavy footsteps leaving the room in tow . in a haze still , penelope struggled to open her eyes - tiredly turning her head in the direction of the noise .

vaguely , she saw the silhouette of a man clad in white uniform and crimson cloak storming out ― good heavens , please let this be a dream ― she prayed .

however the fate wasn't so kind to her , for another figure approached her ; a man wearing a white chiton , the upper half of his body uncovered but clad in heavy gold jewelry .

he looked eerily similar to claude , in spite of the striking differences ― such as the skin tone , which was clearly much dark in comparison , and the brown eyes instead of jeweled ones ― however he had the same blond hair and nearly same features .

the man took a seat to the sofa placed across from the bed she was lying on . upon noticing her staring , his mouth tugged into a lopsided smirk .

" careful , empress . staring at an unknown man isn't fitting behaviour for a married woman . " he commented , summoning someone closer with a whistle .

at the sound , a full grown lion raises its head from across the corner of the room , swaggering over to the man with lazy steps to lay it's head over the man's lap , shockingly tame .

with great effort , she straightened enough to sit against the bedpost . her eyes scanned the room out of habit ; a circular hall , cream walls accented with gold and gemstones .

the room was surprisingly cold , and there was a balcony to the right of the room in lieu of windows ― and a noticeable lack of doors to let the air flow within freely , brushing the sheer white curtains that fanned breeze tinged with the scent of foreign flowers within .

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