━━ chapter XXXIII.

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[ guild dignitary ]




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AS IF ON CUE ― lucas stood outside the exit of the crystal palace , his usual robes changed into new ones , hair combed neatly unlike the usual mess she was used to seeing .

penelope raised her brows at the young warlock auspiciously , and he offered her his arm ― giving her a solemn look that sat funnily on his otherwise childish features .

" as the magician of the tower , I've come to escort you , your highness . "

he said in a respectful tone , making penelope chuckle as she took his arm and headed over to the receiving hall where the mage guild member was waiting for her .

" you are rather behaved today , to what do i owe this sort of honour , sir lucas ? "

she commented in a teasing manner , to which lucas simply huffed ― in a pompous manner that did not help with her laughter at all .

" the princess said i should be present in these meetings rather than just lazing around in the palace ― i do not care for what she thinks of me , of course ― but i thought since it was a guild member , i might as well go see what the fuss is about . "

penelope almost said ' sure you don't ' in response ― but she did not want the kid ( although it was so awkward , considering he was not a kid at all . not one bit , ) to go on arguing with her . especially not when he was behaving so nicely for the sake of giving a good impression on athanasia .

" fair enough . " she replied .

once they reached the receiving hall , the doorkeeper announced her and lucas' presence before holding the door open for them . within the hall , there stood a man clad in dark clothing ― one fitting for a noble rather than a mage ― with ink black hair and a ghostly pale complexion .

 within the hall ,  there stood a man clad in dark clothing ― one fitting for a noble rather than a mage ― with ink black hair and a ghostly pale complexion

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