━━ chapter XXIX.

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DUST FELL OFF THE SHELVES as did the old books that were perched on the top of the last row of the thirtieth shelf of the library . the maid hurried to collect all of them and not cause a single noise .

it had been hard to find the library empty in last two weeks , with the empress paying more attention to her research now that the court work burden was lessened .

but she had to finish the job she was assigned no matter what . it was dangerous ― she knew ― but imagining the tinkling gold that was promised beneath her fingertips filled her with motivation . yes , she must complete this and she must do it quickly .

and thus , with newfound energy , the head maid of the library maintenance staff skimmed over the library with light feet .

hours passed , and finally she was standing in front of the last shelf in the library .

with quick movements , she begun emptying the books one by one . but a voice outside made her freeze .

" what are you doing here ? " sir felix stood at the entrance , eyeing the woman with suspicion ― his hand on the hilt of his sword , ready to unsheathe any given moment . he had visited the library on request of princess athanasia , who planned to borrow a book from the empress' collection . however , he did not expect to witness some maid snooping around at this hour .

" i―i was ,, " she stuttered nervously , dropping the dusting cloth in her hands . noticing it was a maid , felix removed his hand from the hilt ― grey eyes still fixed on the woman who stood trembling before him .

" i w-was here to , i was here to clean ― i was here to clean the shelves that remain neglected usually . "

her answer didn't completely satisfy him , but seeing there couldn't be anything in the library to steal , felix didn't find a reason to suspect the woman anymore .

he sighed , tired " rearrange the books you've removed from their original places , and visit during working hours . this isn't a time to lurk around in empress' private library . "

the maid hurriedly nodded , quickly moving to arrange the books with shaky hands .

be it luck ― or chance , but a stack of letters tied together with a red satin ribbon fell from the top of the shelf . something that sir felix did not seem to notice .

scared ― the maid's eyes scanned the object for what she was instructed to . her eyes shined with glee , as she hid the letters under the pockets of her skirts .

she did it ! ― the maid heaved a sigh of relief exiting the library with quick steps ― finally , she had found what was asked of her .

with brisk steps , she exited the royal palace ― heading towards the office in charge of the paperwork .

the place was empty , but on top of the desk there lay a pile of papers which were meant to be sent to the emperor in the morning― with the label beside them reading 'addressed to his highness'

dishing out the letters in her hand , the maid would randomly shove the crumpled letters in between the stack of the papers , before fleeing back to servant chambers .



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