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Hi my name is Noel Simone Jones. I'm 15 years old and I have a little sister named Lilliana but she goes by Lilly and she's 6 years old. Anyways I've been bounced around from foster home to foster home. Then when Lily was born our dad got custody of me. At the time I was 10 and lily was just a newborn but whenever he got drunk or super waisted he would hit me. He would hit me so hard that I would have bruises on top of bruises. Once my teacher at school found out she called child services and they let us stay with her until a foster home was ready. We stayed with Mrs Smith and her wife for three months which was amazing. After Lily and I got placed into separate homes things weren't the same as they use to. I started to feel lonely and like I was never going to find a family and be reunited with my sister. But all of that changed when this curly haired lights skinned women came into my life.
End of Noel's little background

Madison has been thinking about being a mother or fostering kids for a few months. She's been seeing people adopt/foster kids all over instagram and tiktok. The thing is she didn't want to adopt just one kid she wanted to adopt a sibling duo. That's when she contacted her local adoption agency and asked about fostering two kids. The women she was speaking to on the phone told her about Noel and Lily. Madison immediately fell in love with them just from what she has heard. That same women told her that she could come by and have an interview just to make sure she wasn't qualified to foster kids. Madison agreed but she also let the women know that her girlfriend Mariah was going to be a second guardian as well. The women then told Madison to come in on a day her and Mariah were available so they could have there interview and hopefully become guardians for Noel and Lily. "Mariah come here" Madison said with excitement. "Yea" Mariah said as she the huge smile on Madison's face. "Icalledanadoptionagencyandtheysaidwehaveaninterviewontomorrow." Madison said very quickly. "Woah woah say that again but slower." Mariah said as she placed her hands on Maddie's shoulders to try and calm her down. Maddie took a breath and then said "I called an adoption agency and they said we have an interview tomorrow." Madison said. "No way" Mariah said with excitement. "Yes way now we need to go shopping." Madison said as she grabbed her keys. "Shouldn't we wait until tomorrow before we go shopping for the girls stuff." Mariah said. "Your right I can't wait till tomorrow I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight." Madison said. "Me too" Mariah said as she gave Madison a kiss.

The next morning
Madison and Mariah woke up bright and early since there interview was at 8am sharp. They got dressed and then ate breakfast. "I'm scared" Madison stated. "Why?" Mariah replied. "What if we don't get chosen for Noel and Lily." Madison said. "Maddie we can't think like that we have to think positive." Mariah said trying to be reassuring. "I know" Madison said. Then they both were on there way to the interview. As they were in the car Maddie got a call from the women she talked to the day before. "Hello" Madison says as she picks up the phone. "Hi it's Sam the women from adoption agency." Sam said. "Hi Sam is everything ok?" Madison asked. "Yes it's just that Noel and Lily need to be placed into a home right now." Sam said. "Oh is that home with us?" Madison asked. "Let me check. Give me a minute please." Sam said. "Of course take your time" Madison said. Mariah looked over at Madison and saw that she was about to cry so she pulled over into a strip mall parking lot. "Hey it's gonna be ok" Mariah said. "Madison?" Sam asked. "Yes?" Madison said. "Noel and Lily are going to be placed into your home for as long as needed." Sam said. "Oh that's amazing. When should we pick them up?" Madison asked. "You can pick them up at my office." Sam said. "Ok we are on the way." Madison said. "That's wonderful see you soon." Sam said. "See ya" Madison said as she hung up the phone. Mariah then started the car again and drove to the agency. "We're gonna be moms isn't that amazing." Madison said with excitement. "Yes it is but you need to calm down we don't want to scare them." Mariah said.

When Madison and Mariah arrived at the agency they saw a women with black wavy hair sitting a desk. "Hello you two must be Madison and Mariah." The women said. "Yea thats us." Mariah said. "Alright follow me." The women said as she got up to show them the way. Madison and Mariah followed the women and they saw both Noel and Lily sitting on a couch watching tv. "Girls this is Madison and Mariah there going to be taking care of you both for a while." The women said. "Noel we have two mommy's" Lily said as she gave Madison and Mariah a hug. "Yea we do." Noel said. "Alright do you guys want me to help you with your bags." Madison asked. "Sure" Noel said. Madison and Mariah then grabbed some of there bags and they all headed out. "So do you guys want anything to eat?" Madison asked. "Can we get doughnuts?" Lily asked as she buckled her seatbelt. "Sure" Madison said.  Mariah then proceeded to drive to dunkin doughnuts and get everyone doughnuts. "Thank you" both Noel and Lily said. "Your welcome". Mariah said. Once the girls got to Madison's and Mariah's house they were shocked. "Woah this house is cool." Lily said. "Yea wanna see your rooms." Madison said. Lily and Noel shook there heads yes and followed Madison too there rooms. "There both not fully decorated but we can buy you guys some stuff if you want." Mariah said. "This is room is way better then all the rooms I've stayed in." Noel said. "Thank you guys so much." Noel said. Lily then came into Noel's room grabbed her hand and then dragged her into her room. "Look at all the stuff animals." Lily said. "Yea there cool." Noel said. Lily just started playing with them while Noel went into her room and just watched tv.

Here's the prologue to my new book let me know if you guys like it.

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