Chapter 20

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"El wake up Santa came" Lily said as she was jumping on Noel's bed. "Lil you came in my room and fell asleep I've been up for the past hour waiting for you." Noel said. "Come on we have to go wake up Mommy and Mama." Lily said as she was tugging on Noel's arm. "I'm coming." Noel said as she was trying to get up. "You stay here and wait for Mommy and Mama. Lily said. "I don't need their help." Noel said as she struggled to get up. "Yes you do now stay here." Lily said. "Fine" Noel said. Lily ran into Mariah's and Madison's room to wake them up. "Wake up wake up Santa came." Lily yelled. "Lily it's seven in the morning go back to sleep." Mariah groaned. "We gotta open presents now." Lily said. Lily just kept jumping on the bed while Madison got up and went to go help Noel. "You look tired." Madison said as she yawned. "Lilly's woke me up at like 4:30 and then it took her an half hour to get her to go back to sleep. Then I couldn't fall back asleep because of my back." Noel said. "I'm sorry do you want to open your presents out in the living room or should we open them in here?" Madison asked. "We can open them in the living room I just have to get up." Noel said as she tried to get up. Madison helped her and then walked behind her as she was walking out to the living room. "It's Christmas miracle you can walk." Mariah said. "Barely this also really hurts." Noel said. Noel sat down on the couch next to Mariah. "Santa ate the cookies!" Lily said. "Yea look at the note he land KiKi for you." Noel said. "Dear Lily you were extremely good this year and surpassed the highest point of the nice list. So this year you are getting the one thing you've been asking for since I saw you at the mall." Lilly said. "Santa got us a trampoline." Lily said. "He did you can go on it after we open presents." Mariah said. "Ok" Lily said. Lily and Noel were opening their presents when Noel got to open up her big one. "Why are there keys in this box?" Noel asked. "I don't maybe you should go look outside." Madison said. Noel slowly got up and started going outside. "There's nothing here" Noel said. "Open the garage." Madison said. Noel opened the garage and right in front of her eyes was a Grey Honda CRV with a pink bow on it. "Is this mine?" Noel said. "Whose else would it be?" Mariah said. "You got your license right before the accident so you're gonna need a car to drive around when you're fully healed." Mariah said. Noel got in the drivers seat and fell in love. "So this is mine." Noel said. "Yes" Madison said as she was engulfed in a hug by Noel.

"This is the best gift ever. I was saving up for a car you guys didn't have to buy me one." Noel said. "Well we heard you taking about it with your friends and we thought that you deserve it." Mariah said. "Where's Lily?" Madison said. "Trampoline" Madison said as she ran back inside. "Come on let's get you inside granny." Mariah said. "Just because I hurt my back doesn't mean I'm a granny." Noel said. Noel and Mariah went back inside while Madison was struggling to get Lily off of the trampoline. "Lilliana get off so we can open more presents." Madison said. "Awe but I'm having fun." Lily said. "We can have fun after we open presents and eat." Madison said. "Ok" Lily said as she was getting off of the trampoline. Madison and Lily walked back inside while Noel gave Mariah her big present. Mariah opened the box while Noel was recording was her. "A new camera." Mariah said. "That's cool Mama." Lily said. "Thank you." Mariah said. "You're welcome." Noel said. "Mom open mine next." Noel said as she gave Madison her gift. "A Tiffany bracelet and earrings." Madison said. "El this is amazing." Madison said. "I wanna open mine from Noel next." Lily said. "Ok go open it." Noel said. "A new water bottle." Lily said. "Now you can stop taking mine." Noel said. "And a new leo's" Lily said. "Thank you" Lily said. Everyone kept opening their presents until they had to clean up the wrapping paper. "I'm hungry." Noel said. "I'll make pancakes." Mariah said. "Mama no." Lily said. "You can't cook." Noel said. "You liked my pancakes last time." Mariah said. "We lied to you." Madison said. "We don't know how you mess up pancakes even Lily can make them." Noel said. "Well I got us croissants from the store so I'll put them in oven." Madison said. "Yea can we go play on the trampoline now." Lily said. "After we eat Lil." Madison said. "And we still have presents from the family they just sent them in the mail." Mariah said. Noel ended up going back to her room with all of her things and just laid on her bed. "El what's wrong." Madison said. "I'm the reason we couldn't go see the family." Noel said. "Noel it's not your fault that you got hurt." Madison said. "You mean getting into the accident and practically breaking my back." Noel said. "It would've been too much for you to get on a plane and then barely being able to walk." Madison said. "Everyone has been sending their love but we can see them when you're able to walk a little better." Madison said. "Who knows when that will be." Noel scoffed. "The croissants are done." Mariah said. "Ok I'm gonna get us some croissants I'll be back." Madison said. Noel just sat on her bed and waited for Madison to come back.

"Here you go El I put a smiley face on it." Lily said as she walked into Noel's room. "El why are you crying?" Lily asked. "My back just hurts that's all." Noel said. "Should I tell Mommy and Mama?" Lily said. "N-yes please." Noel cried. "Mommy Mama" Lily called out. "What's wrong." Mariah said. "My back" Noel cried. "Noel I need you to breathe so you can stop panicking." Madison said. "I can't" Noel said. Madison decided to take Lily out of the room so Mariah and Noel could talk. "Breathe with me." Mariah said. Mariah and Noel were taking turns taking deep breaths until Noel had calmed down. "What's wrong for real this time." Mariah said. "I just want this stupid back pain I've been having to go away and it makes me upset that I can barely walk without stopping or needing help. It's just so stupid." Noel cried. "You're healing which isn't stupid." Mariah said. "Yea I'm practically useless." Noel cried. "You are not useless Noel. You're still helpful whenever you can be." Mariah said. "Are you sure?" Noel said. "I'm sure El." Mariah said. Noel wiped her tears and started eating her croissant. "El can we go play on the trampoline now." Lily said as she came in. "I'll watch you." Noel said. "Ok come on." Lily said. Mariah helped Noel up and they followed Lily outside. Madison was already outside jumping on the trampoline. "We'll watch you guys be careful." Mariah said. Lily was doing a whole bunch of flips while Madison was watching her. "Your turn mommy." Lily said. "I'll try." Madison said. Madison did a flip and Lily clapped for her. "Get it mom." Noel said. "Noel want to test drive your car?" Madison said. "Maybe after my doctor appointment." Noel said. "I just want to make sure the doctor is ok with it." Noel said. "That's fine did you tell Sophie you got a car?" Mariah said. "Yea she's gonna get one once the insurance company sends her the money from the accident." Noel said. "Aren't you getting money to?" Madison said. "Yea I'm gonna save that money for college or just life in general." Noel said. "Noel can I be in your christmas video." Lily asked. "Sure let's go film it." Noel said. "Yea" Lily said. Everyone went inside and sat down on the couch. "Is everyone in this video." Noel asked. "Yes" Madison said. "This is gonna be a lot of editing." Noel whispered.

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