Chapter 19

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Thanksgiving has just passed which meant the Bailey family had to fly out to see Madison's side
of the family for the first time. Noel and Mia were pretty nice while Lily and Gracie just loved it over there. So the plane ride home was an adventure. Once they got home Madison had gotten a call that would change their lives. "Hello." Madison said. "Hi am I speaking with Madison Bailey?" The women said. "Yes this is her." Madison said. "Ok I'm afraid I have some bad news for you." The women said. Madison was silent waiting for the women to say what she had to say. "Your daughter Noel and her friend Sophie got into a car crash on their way home from school." The women said. "Are they ok?" Madison asked. "Yes but they're in critical condition." The women said. "You're aloud to see them but the doctor told me to tell you that Noel is suffering from a grade 3 concussion which might mean her memory could have been affected." The women said. "Ok I'm on my way." Madison said. Madison grabbed her things and ran out the door. "Mommy where are you going?" Lily said. "I have a meeting with my agent I'll see you guys in a little bit." Madison said. Madison got into her car and drove to the hospital. "Hi Madison right this way." The women said. "Is Sophie ok?" Madison asked. "Sophie is ok she just has a broken ankle and grade 2 concussion she gets to go home tomorrow. Noel on the other hand she got the worst of the crash." The women said. Madison gasped as she saw Noel's body covered in cuts,bruises that were starting to form,and lots of bandages. "El" Madison whispered. "Ever since she arrived she's been asking for you so that's why I called you and only you." The women said. Madison walked into Noel's hospital room and sat in the chair next the bed. "Mom" Noel said. "El you're awake" Madison said. "My head hurts" Noel said. "You must be Madison." The doctor said. "Yea what happened exactly." Madison said. "They were hit by a drunk driver." The doctor said. "The driver got arrested the driver was Noel's father." The doctor said. "He was arrested." Madison said. "The police never found him the first time. That's what they told us." The doctor said. "When can Noel go home?" Madison asked.

"Since she sprained her back,got a concussion, and broke her wrist. I would say tomorrow or the day after." The doctor said. "I want to go home." Noel said. "You can in a day or two we just need to make sure your test results come back clean." The doctor said. The doctor walked out and so did Madison. Madison went into Sophie's hospital room just to see if she was ok. "I'm so sorry. I tried to stop but he was going too fast." Sophie said. "Sophie it's not your fault." Madison said. "But Noel is hurt super bad and my car is totaled." Sophie cried. "Did you call your parents?" Madison asked. "I called my sister she works at a hospital that's 30 minutes away but I asked her to bring me something to eat." Sophie said. "Soph are you ok?" Sophie's sister said. "Izzy I'm ok and I don't know if my girlfriend is ok." Sophie said. "She's fine she just wants to go home." Madison said. "She's awake and her head really hurts."  Madison said.  "I brought her a burrito." Izzy said. "Oh thanks I'll give it to her." Madison said. Madison walked out and went into Noel's room. "Is that the burrito Izzy bought me." Noel said. "Yea let me have a bite tho." Madison said. "Take a small bite." Noel said. Madison took a decent size bite of her burrito and then gave it to Noel. "Is mom gonna come?" Noel asked. "She said she wanted to wait until you come home. She's getting the downstairs room ready for you." Madison said. "What about Sophie her sister has to work." Noel said. "My job is giving me paid time off since I'm Sophie's prime time caretaker." Izzy said as she wheeled Sophie in. Sophie hopped out of the wheelchair and gave Noel a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok." Sophie said. "Me too I'm sorry about your car tho." Noel said. "It's fine that car was on its last life anyways." Sophie said. "Oh so it's ok." Noel said. "Yea I've been saving up for a new car anyways." Sophie said. "Girlfriend tax." Sophie said as she took a bite of Noel's burrito. "Soph" Noel said.

A week later Noel's been at home resting since her head has been killing her. "Here's your medicine." Mariah said as she gave Noel her medicine. "Thanks" Noel said. "Noel look at what we made for art class." Lily said. "Wow that's really cool." Noel said. "I tried to make a sunset but we ran out of orange tissue paper." Lily said. "We'll buy some more since you and Gracie really like this project." Mariah said. "Lily come eat." Madison said. Lily went into the kitchen to go eat lunch. "You want help into the kitchen." Mariah said. "Can you help me up". Noel said. Mariah helped Noel up but she stoped once Noel screamed in pain. "Did I go too fast?" Mariah said. "A little" Noel said. "Sorry"Mariah said. "It's ok just give me a minute." Noel said. Noel took a breath and slowly got up. "You did it." Mariah said. "That really hurt." Noel said. Noel fell into Mariah's arms as her legs started to give out. "Woah you alright." Mariah said. "Yea I just haven't stood up on my own in a week. I don't think my legs are use to it." Noel said. "Noel I could've brought you your lunch." Madison said. "No I need to try to stand up on my own that's what the doctor told me." Noel said. "Where's Mia and Gracie?" Noel said. "Mia and Gracie got placed into a different home while you were in the hospital." Madison said. "But you guys adopted them. You said everything went through." Noel said. "Well their older sister on their dad's side fought us for custody and she won." Mariah said. "So they're never coming back?" Noel said. "Not at the moment but you can visit them." Madison said. Noel started crying since she didn't get to say goodbye to Mia and Gracie. "Noel it's ok Gracie and Mia left you some letters before they left." Madison said. "Can you guys just help me into the kitchen please." Noel asked. "Why don't you just eat in here. I don't want you to hurt your back anymore." Madison said. Madison walked out and went into the kitchen to grab Noel's lunch. "Here's your lunch." Madison said as she gave Noel her food. "Thank you." Noel said. Madison and Mariah were about to walk out when Lily stopped them by blocking the doorway. "Movie time" Lily said. "Alright come on." Mariah said. "Let's watch the movie with mommy in it." Lily said. "That's a show but we can watch it." Mariah said. Madison had snuck out to grab her and Mariah's food. "I want to watch the grinch." Noel said. "That's a perfect movie since Christmas is in two days." Madison said. Mariah turned on the grinch and sat on the floor next to Madison while Lily laid next to Noel. "Can we open a present tomorrow?" Lily asked. "Only one present." Madison said. "One" Noel said. "Yes only one." Mariah said. "Can we open two please." Lily asked. "No we cannot." Mariah said. "But" Lily said. "No Liliana." Mariah said. Lily just huffed and crossed her arms while Noel and Madison laughed at her.

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