Chapter 32

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"You're going to leave next week and you didn't tell us." Noel said as she came downstairs. "I was going to tell you guys." Madison said. "You can't leave who's gonna make us dinner." Lily said. "That's your big concern right now?" Noel said. "Yea Mama can't cook and I'm not trying to die." Lily said. "Well there's another thing Noel's going with me." Madison said. "I am" Noel said. "Yea they needed someone who looks like you to play my cousin or something." Madison said. "Wait I have to stay with Mama all by myself." Lily whined. "You can stay with me too." Kelsea said. "Yea sleepover." Lily said. "We can have one soon." Kelsea said. "Is that what you made me audition for." Noel said. "Yea but you'll like it and I'll be with you the whole time." Madison said. "But what about Charlotte?" Noel said. "She can come visit." Madison said. "So I have to pack a whole bunch of stuff just to go film." Noel said. "Yes I'll help you in the morning go get ready for bed." Madison said." "It's only 9:30." Noel said. "Noel come on we can go watch a movie." Lily said. "If you three are going out be home at a reasonable time and you two use protection." Noel said as she covered Lily's ears. "Upstairs now." Madison said. "Why is Mommy leaving?" Lily said. "She's going out with Chase and Kelsea." Noel said. "Go shower and then I'll do your hair." Noel said. Lily went to go shower while Noel called Charlotte. "Hey are you actually gonna be working with your mom?" Charlotte said over Noel's IPad. "Yea I'm scared I've never acted a day in my life." Noel said. "You'll be fine and your mom can help you." Charlotte said. "I know but I don't want to mess up and I can't see Lily or you." Noel said. "Wait when you get there can you get a video for my birthday of the guys especially Drew saying happy birthday. Please." Charlotte said. "I got you don't worry." Noel said. "Thank you but before you leave you have to take one of my hoodies and I'll one of yours." Charlotte said. "I'll drop it off tomorrow unless I have to do something with my moms."Noel said. "It's ok I'll see you before you leave for sure." Charlotte said. "Ok I gotta go help Lilly with her hair." Noel said. "Tell her I say hi we can talk later." Charlotte said. "Bye" Noel said. "Bye" Charlotte said. Noel hung up and just sat on her bed. "I'm ready for you to do my hair." Lily said. Noel started doing Lily's hair when Madison came in the room. "Hey you two want to go outside on the trampoline?" Madison said. "Yea it's a good thing I actually didn't shower." Lily said. "What?" Noel said. "Yea I sat on the floor and watched YouTube." Lily said. "We're coming let me finish her hair." Noel said. "Hurry up I want to go play on the trampoline." Lily said. "I finished you can go now." Noel said. Lily got up and went downstairs. "Come on your coming too." Madison said. "Really I just spent the last half of the day tumbling I don't need to do it anymore." Noel said. "Well at least sit outside with us." Madison said. Noel got up and went with Madison. Lily had started tumbling Mariah helped her as well. "Mama missed me tumbling so I had to show her." Lily said. "I know bubs." Madison said. "Noel show me what I missed." Madison said. "Yea show me the pass that got you a perfect 10." Mariah said. "You are not helping." Noel said. Noel started tumbling and of course Madison videoed her. "Nice El." Lily said. Noel just kept tumbling until everyone went inside. "Noel honey you ok." Madison said. "I'm fine I'm just trying to land my two and half right now." Noel said. "Well it's 1am do you want to come inside."'Madison said. "No" Noel said. "Noel you've been up since 5 this morning I know you're tried." Madison said. "I'm not tired mom I just need to keep practicing." Noel said. "Well
I'm staying out here till you come inside." Madison said. Noel just went back to tumbling when her back started hurting real bad. "Mom" Noel said. "Yea" Madison said. Madison went over by Noel and saw her standing with her hand on her back. "You wanna head inside so I can get you some ice." Madison said. "Can you just bring it out here." Noel said. Madison went inside and grabbed Noel an ice pack. "You must've tumbled a little too much." Madison said. "I know." Noel said as she took the ice pack from Madison. "You good?" Madison said. "Yea I just didn't take my medicine this week." Noel said. "Noel you have to take your medicine every week. Especially when we go to set." Madison said. "I know I just wasn't think about it." Noel said. "I see that come on let's go inside." Madison said. Noel and Madison went inside and then Noel went to the bathroom to go shower. After she showered she went to bed so did Madison.

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