Chapter 7

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"Noel Lilly can you come here please." Mariah said. Noel and Lily walked into the living room and sat next to Mariah. "What do you want?" Noel said. "Me and Maddie have decided on schools for you two to go to." Mariah said. "Yea" Lily said. Noel just rolled her eyes and continued to look at her phone. "El aren't you excited?" Lily asked. "A little." Noel said. "I would rather do online school than go in person." Noel said. "Well we found a school that lets you do 2-3 days in person and the rest online." Madison said. "Why can't I just do all online?" Noel asked. "Because you need to go in person so you can make friends. All the kids who go there do the same thing." Madison said. "Are you sure. What if they make fun of me because I'm different from them." Noel said. "I don't think kids are going to make fun of you." Mariah said. "How do you know?" Noel said. "Because we just do." Mariah said. "Mommy can we go get new clothes for school?" Lily asked. "We already ordered you girls lots of new clothes remember." Madison said. "Oh yea. I forgot." Lily said. Lily got up and grabbed Mariah's hand. "Can you read me a story please?" Lily asked. "Sure let's go." Mariah said as she picked Lily up and took her to her room. "Noel what's wrong?" Madison asked. "Nothing" Noel said. "Are you sure?" Madison said. "Yea" Noel said with tears falling down her face. Madison noticed and brought her in for a hug. "What if I don't make any friends?" Noel cried. "You're gonna make lots of friends. Hopefully." Madison said. "Well can I do a sport?" Noel asked. "Of course." Madison said. "I think I should do cheer." Noel said. "You would be a cute cheerleader." Madison said. "Then I can meet some of the football boys." Noel said. "You can meet them but no sex." Madison said. "Who do you think I am... a slut." Noel said. "I don't think you're a slut I just don't want you to get pregnant and then the guy leaves you." Madison said. "Well at least you care about me." Noel said. "I'll always care about you and your sister." Madison said. "Can I show you some of my tumbling." Noel asked. "Sure" Madison said.

Noel got up off of the couch and walked to the back door. Madison followed her and she saw Noel doing a whole bunch of back handsprings, back tuck,and a back layout. "Wow Noel you're really good at flipping." Mariah said as she walked outside with Lily in her arms. "My turn" Lily said as she started running over to Noel. Lily and Noel did a running tumbling pass together which was a roundoff, back handspring,and back tuck. "I think we got some gymnasts in the family." Mariah said. "I think we do." Madison said. "Alright girls let's go get something to eat." Mariah said. "Can we get chicken tenders and fries...please." Lily asked. "Just for you Lily bean." Mariah said. "Can I drive?" Noel asked. "Sure why not. Maddie's been telling me you're pretty good at driving." Mariah said. "I call shotgun." Madison said as she ran back inside. "No fair." Mariah said as she ran right after her. Madison and Mariah were fighting over the passenger seat while Lily just got into the backseat. "Will you two stop fighting over the front seat." Noel said. "Mariah can sit in the front seat since she hasn't before." Noel said. Madison slowly walked to the back door,opened it slowly, and got in the back seat. Mariah sat next to Noel and put her on heat seatbelt. "Is everyone buckled in?" Noel asked. "Yes" Madison and Lily said. "Alright where are we going." Noel said as she started the car. "Chick fill a." Lily said.
"again?" Noel said. "Yes I want there chicken tenders." Lily said. "Fine but I'm getting starbucks first." Noel said. Noel backed out of the driveway and drove to starbucks. "I'll be right back." Noel said as she shut the car door. Noel walked in a grabbed all the drinks she ordered and then walked back to the car. Mariah got out and opened the door for Noel and then took her drink. "Thank you." Mariah said. "You're welcome." Noel said as she gave Madison and Lily their drinks.

"Ok before we get there what does everyone want?" Noel asked. "I want a number one please with a coke." Madison said. "Me too" Mariah said. "Ok and Lily do you want 3 or 4 chicken tenders?" Noel asked. "Four" Lily said. "With a lemonade" Noel said. "Yea" Lily said and continued to play on Madison's phone. Noel pulled up the chick fill a worker and told them her order. Noel grabbed the drinks and then the bags of food and pulled into a parking spot. "Alright here's your guys sandwiches" Noel said as she gave Madison and Mariah there sandwiches. "Chicken tenders for you Lily and some for me." Noel said. "You guys can grab the fries." Noel said. After everyone grabbed their food they all just ate until Lily took a bite of Madison's sandwich. "Lily what are you doing?" Madison said as she took her phone out to take a video of what was happening. "I wanted to try it." Lily said. "Well can I have one of your chicken tenders for the rest of my sandwich?" Madison said. "Yea" Lily said as she gave Maddie the chicken tender. "Ok is everyone ready to head home?" Noel asked. "Yea let's go" Lily said. Noel pulled out of the chick fill a parking lot and drove home. Once the arrived home Madison and Lily had fell asleep in the back. "You get Maddie I'll get Lily." Noel said to Mariah. Both Noel and Mariah got out of the car,grabbed Madison and Lily,and headed inside. Noel and Lily placed them on the couch and turned on the tv. "Let's watch basketball." Mariah said. "No I want to watch Princess and the Frog." Noel said. "But I want to watch basketball!" Mariah said. "Rock paper scissors" Noel said. Mariah and Noel played rock paper scissors... Mariah lost so Princess and the Frog was the movie selected. "I can't believe I lost." Mariah whined. "You always pick rock." Noel said.

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