Chapter 29

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After the whole hospital thing Lily has been all over Madison which she loves but Mariah and Noel have been hanging out more which is also good. The girls also went back to school but they go in person for 1 or 2 days every other week and the rest is online. Noel drives herself to school while Lily still rides with Madison or Mariah. "I'm leaving." Noel said as she grabbed her car keys. "Ok can you pick up your sister's work." Madison said. "Yea" Noel said. Noel walked out of the house and got into her car. Then Madison called her "can you pick up your sister too?" Madison said. "I was on my way to do that but sure." Noel said. "Thanks." Madison said. "Ok bye" Noel said. "Bye" Madison said. Noel hung up the phone and went to go pick up Lily. Noel pulled up the school and waited for Lily. Lily got into Noel's car and buckled her seatbelt. "I passed my math test and my science test." Lily said. "That's great Lily did you get your papers back so we can show mom." Noel said. "Yea my teacher also gave me your work too." Lily said as she handed Noel the folder. "I'll look at it when we get home are you hungry?" Noel asked. "Yea." Lily said. "I'll text mom so she can make you a sandwich." Noel said. "But I want Starbucks." Lily said. "I'll get you something from Starbucks if you don't tell mom that I didn't get her anything." Noel said. "Didn't she get Starbucks earlier today?" Lily asked. "I don't know I was at gymnastics." Noel said. "Can we go to the mall?" Lily asked. "No we can't mom says we need to stop going to the mall." Noel said. "But what about the dresses we were gonna get?" Lily asked. "We can go and get those but that's it." Noel said. "Yea" Lily said. Right as Noel pulled into the Starbucks parking lot Madison called her. "Hi Mom." Noel said. "Hi why aren't you two home yet. I know it doesn't take a half hour to pick up Lily." Madison said. "She had to use the bathroom right before she left and it took her a few minutes." Noel said. "Well I need you both to come home now." Madison said. "Do we have to Mommy." Lily said. "Yes and hurry up please." Madison said. "Ok we're on the way." Noel said. Noel pulled out of the Starbucks driveway and rushed home. "Mom we're home." Noel said. "Good I need your guys help with my outfit for my date tonight." Madison said. "You made us rush home to help you pick out an outfit for a date that's not happening until later tonight." Noel said. "No she changed our time and I think she's proposing to me and I have to be ready." Madison said. "Those pictures better look good." Noel said. "What if she doesn't ask me and I get ready for nothing." Madison said. "I don't want you guys to go on a date." Lily said. "Why not Lil." Mariah said as she walked in. "Because." Lily said. "Because what." Mariah said. "Lily wanted to have a family movie night tonight but we can do it another night." Noel said. "We don't have to go on a date tonight we just went on one yesterday." Mariah said. "Wait Mommy why do you have that ring on? Did mama ask you to marry her yesterday?" Lily said. "Yea she did." Madison said. "Let me see the ring." Noel said. Madison showed Noel and Lily the ring which they loved. "Are you two gonna have a wedding or go to the court house?" Noel asked. "We're going to the court house." Mariah said. "When?" Lily said. "Soon honey. Do you want lunch?" Mariah said. "Yea" Lily said. "What do you want?" Mariah said. "I don't know." Lily said. Mariah just went into the kitchen and made Lily something to eat while Noel went upstairs to get changed. Noel was changing into a bikini so she could go to the beach with her friend from school. "El do you want something to eat?" Mariah asked. "No I ate earlier." Noel said. "I'm going to the beach to meet up with Charlotte I'll be back later." Noel said as she came downstairs in her bikini top and shorts. "I want to come." Lily said. "It's for teenagers only you can stay with mom and have fun. Can I sleepover at Charlottes too her older sister was wondering." Noel said. "I guess since you pretty much live over there." Madison said. "Thanks bye." Noel said. Noel walked out of the house and got in her car. Noel drove to Charlottes house and saw her waiting outside.

"Hey." Charlotte said. "Hey isn't your sister having a party tonight?" Noel asked. "She's going to one she said we have to be on the lookout for her so we can pick her up." Charlotte said. "Oh how nice." Noel said as she turned on the radio. "Did Lily want to come to the beach with us?" Charlotte said. "She did but my mom's said she could hangout with them or we could go to the beach another day." Noel said. "Oh well next week my parents and my sister are going out of town for like a month or whatever so do you think your moms would be ok with me staying over until they come back." Charlotte said. "I'm pretty sure but your mom is just gonna have to text one of mine just to make sure." Noel said. "Oh no for sure." Charlotte said. Once they got to the beach they found a spot that they could lay out on and tan. "Hey you two." A random guy said. The guy kept coming closer to Charlotte and Noel so they quickly grabbed their phones and one of them started recording. "Hey you two single." Another guy in the group said. "No she's my girlfriend." Charlotte said quickly. "Yea sorry guys hopefully you find someone." Noel said. "Thanks hope things go well for you two." The guy said as they stared walking away. "Of course the gay ones are always the hottest." One of the guys said as he waved by at Charlotte and Noel. "Girlfriend? Really." Noel whispered. "Yea I mean they seemed kinda weird and I didn't want anything to happen." Charlotte said. "So you do like girls." Noel said. "I like girls who look like you." Charlotte said. "So I am your type then." Noel said. "Maybe you are and maybe you aren't that doesn't mean we can't kiss to see if you're my type." Charlotte said. Charlotte kissed Noel which made them both blush. "You want to get something to eat?" Charlotte asked. "Sure" Noel said. Noel and Charlotte grabbed their things and went back to Noel's car. "So you think we could take things further?" Noel asked. "Yea I mean you like me and I like you so why not. And I just came out to my parents and sister. Could you believe they already knew." Charlotte said. "I knew the day I met you it's really obvious." Noel said as she started her car. "It is?" Charlotte said. "Yes it is." Noel said. "Well I knew you were gay too." Charlotte said. "How?" Noel said. "Because of how you looked at me everyday in the hallway before you talked to me." Charlotte said. "Dang that's what Sophie said too." Noel said. "You dated Sophie?" Charlotte asked. "Yea why?" Noel said. "I dated her too she said we would be better off as friends and that was almost a year ago." Charlotte said as she got out of the car. "She told me the same thing six months ago." Noel said as she locked her car. "Well maybe she's the reason we're together." Charlotte said. "Honestly you're an upgrade she never acted like we were actually dating." Noel said. Noel and Charlotte went inside of Chipotle and order their food. "We should go back to your house I want to see Lily." Charlotte said. "We can let your parents know." Noel said. "Ok should we get Lily something? I kinda promised her I'd bring her a surprise when I see her again." Charlotte said. "We can go into target and get her this dress she wants." Noel said. "Is it that pink one she won't stop talking about?" Charlotte said. "Yea ever since Mariah got her those pink converses she wants to wear a pink dress with them so bad." Noel said. Noel pulled up to Target and they went inside. "They have her size and we should try to find our sizes so we can match." Charlotte said. "My mom got me,her,and you matching dresses then she got Mariah a pink shirt that matches." Noel said. "She got me a dress she didn't have to." Charlotte said. "Well she didn't want you to feel left out." Noel said. Charlotte and Noel checked out then went back to Noel's house. "Charlotte." Lily said as she saw Charlotte walk in.

"I thought you were going to stay at her house." Madison said. "I wanted to come over. I hope that's ok." Charlotte said. "Yea that's fine your mom texted me that they're going out of town for a month. You can stay here if you want to." Madison said. "Really thank you." Charlotte said. "You got the dress you're the best sister ever." Lily said. "Go try it on I need to know if it fits." Noel said. Lily ran into the bathroom and tried on the dress. "It fits can I keep it?" Lily asked. "Yes honey you can keep it." Madison said. "Yea Charlotte come play with me." Lily said. "Lily I will after I use the bathroom." Charlotte said as she went to the bathroom. "Are you dating Charlotte?" Lily asked. "No she's my best friend." Noel said. "You two were walking in holding hands." Madison said. Noel just went outside and laid out in the sun. "Are you dating Noel?" Lily asked as she saw Charlotte come out of the bathroom. "Umm." Charlotte said. "Stop asking my girlfriend questions." Noel said. "Called it." Lily said. "When did you two start dating?" Mariah said. "Today." Charlotte said. "You two started dating at the beach?" Madison said. "She asked me and I said yes." Noel said. Lily went outside and started playing on the trampoline. Everyone went outside and watched Lily and Noel flip on the trampoline. Charlotte was just sitting on her phone when Lily asked her to do a trick. "Fine." Charlotte said. Charlotte didn't get on the trampoline she just started tumbling. "Woah your girlfriend is better than you." Lily said. "Shut up." Noel said. "She's not wrong." Mariah said. "You're not helping." Noel said. "Mommy made pizza I can smell it." Lily said as she got off of the trampoline. Lily ran inside and saw Madison cutting the pizza. "Wait Lil." Madison said. Lily waited for Madison to give her a slice. "Mommy can I sit with you?" Lily asked. "Of course honey come here." Madison said. Lily sat in Madison's lap when everyone else came back inside. "Can we eat now?" Noel asked. "Yea" Madison said. Everyone started eating and talking until Noel and Charlottes friend picked them up for a party they were going to.

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