Chapter 18

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It was 2:00am Lily and Gracie were still sick from earlier so they both fell asleep in the bathroom. Madison had got up to use the bathroom when she saw Lily and Gracie laying next to each other with a blanket on top of them. "Lily Gracie" Madison whispered as she shook them a little. "Mommy" Lily said as started to wake up. "Why are you two sleeping in here?" Madison said. "Because we threw up in the car." Gracie said as she woke up. "That was a while ago. You both can go back to your rooms." Madison said. "I like sleeping in the bathroom." Gracie said. "Well we have a bathroom in our room do you guys want to sleep with me and mama?" Madison asked. "No" Gracie said. Gracie and Lily walked out of the bathroom so Madison could go. "What are you two doing up?" Mariah said as she walked over to the bathroom. "Waiting for mommy to get out of the bathroom." Gracie said. "Why?" Mariah said. "So we can go back to sleep." Lily said. "Why didn't you sleep in your rooms." Mariah said. "We don't want to throw up and ruin everything again." Gracie said. Madison came out of the bathroom and picked Gracie up. "Mommy put me down." Gracie said. Mariah did the same Lily and they both brought them to their room. "You're both sleeping in here." Madison said as she put Gracie down. "Do we have to?" Lily said. "Well your sisters are sleeping in here and they both were waiting for you." Mariah said. "Mom who are you talking to." Mia said as she woke up. "Your sister." Mariah said. Gracie crawled over to Mia and laid next to her. "Mom when are we leaving?" Noel asked. "Wednesday. Hopefully your sisters are feeling better by then." Madison said. "That's literally in two days." Mia said. "Right we can repack everything later today." Madison said. Noel and Mia just groaned and went back to sleep. Lily ended up sleeping next to Madison and Mariah since she had fell asleep on Madison.

The next two days were pretty hectic Lily and Grace were still sick,Madison and Mariah caught what Lily and Gracie had,then once they all arrived home Noel and Mia caught the sickness but there's was way worse then everyone else's. "Can you text mom to bring us some water." Mia said as she blew her nose. "I can't reach my phone." Noel said. "Mom" Noel and Mia yelled horsely. Mariah came upstairs with Madison and went into their room. "You guys look way worse than yesterday." Mariah said. "Well we've been throwing up for like 10 minutes." Noel said. "I don't get how you two got the worst of it." Madison said. "I don't know." Mia said. Noel was throwing up in the bucket Mariah gave her earlier. "Do you guys want some water?" Madison asked. "Please" Noel whispered. Madison went to go get them some water while Mariah stayed upstairs. "Mom how do you know if someone likes you back?" Noel asked. "As a friend or more than a friend?" Mariah asked. "More than a friend." Noel said. "Is it that one girl you were telling us about." Mariah said. "Sophie yea she's super nice and like really pretty and she was the one the girls from the team who quit just because of what the coach said to me. I think she likes me because she asks me if we could hang out once we're both not sick." Noel said. "Does someone have the crushies." Madison said as she handed Noel her water. "Maybe but what if she doesn't like me back." Noel said. "I'm pretty sure she does." Mia said. "I hope so because I really want to hangout when we're both not sick." Noel said. "You can't just hangout with someone we don't know." Madison said. "Well she can come over and introduce herself if that will make you guys feel better." Noel said. "Wait Sophie the girl who's a junior who drove you guys to practice right." Mariah said. "She would only drive Noel her mom would drive me and her sister Bailey." Mia said. "Oh yea she's the one who said we would be amazing cheer moms since we always brought snacks to the game." Mariah said. "She also hypes me up every time I would take pictures at your games. I say go on a date with her." Madison said. "You're ok with it." Noel said.

"Oh yea she just sent us a message asking if she could take you to the mall." Madison said as she showed Noel her phone. "You said yes right." Noel said. "Yes I did" Madison said. "I gotta find an outfit." Noel said. "El you're sick and so is she so there no mall."Mariah said as she stopped Noel from getting up. Noel ended up puking in the bucket that was in front of her. Madison just rubbed her back while she continued to puke. "Where's Lily and Gracie?" Mia asked. "Hunter decided to take them for the weekend since they really wanted to have a sleepover with her." Mariah said. "Hunter told me they went to target and she may or may not have bought them new clothes." Madison said. "Do they need anymore clothes?" Mia said. "No but this time she got them clothes for the fall. They were having a sale." Madison said. "Since Lily and Gracie got new clothes can we get new clothes." Mia asked. "From where." Mariah said. "If you look at the screenshots we sent you then you will see what we want." Mia said. "These are going to be Christmas gift you know". Mariah said. "Oh we know." Noel said as she started braiding her hair. "So what do you guys want for Christmas?" Noel asked. "I'll send you guys some not so expensive things." Madison said. "Wait how are you guys paying for all of these gifts?" Mariah asked. "We get paid from TikTok and YouTube." Noel said. "How much do you guys make?" Mariah said. "Every month or this past week?" Mia said. "Week" Mariah said. "$2,000 and that's before we add the money we're getting from companies that sent us PR." Noel said. "$2,000 a week" Madison said. "Yea that's why we asked you to open us savings and checking accounts." Mia said. "And if you guys want more expensive things just let us know." Noel said.

"We'll let you know." Madison said. Madison and Mariah walked out of their room so the girls could get some sleep. "Noel we gotta edit our videos but I need your opinion on if I should get mom this for Christmas." Mia said as she showed Noel her phone screen. "Is that a new camera bag?" Noel said. "It's a whole new camera. Since Lily and Gracie threw up all over her camera and they accidentally knocked it over last week." Mia said. "That's a perfect gift for her but what about mom." Noel said. "She just sent me this purse it's only $1,000 we can each split it." Noel said. "We could do that and get her some other stuff." Mia said. "She'll probably send us some other things." Noel said. "Yea atleast our sisters are easy. Now what are you getting Sophie?" Mia asked. "Matching hoodies, shirts,pants,and shoes." Noel said. "Dang you might as well get her a burr basket that says will you be my girlfriend." Mia said. "We need to go to the store in a few days so I can make her a burr basket." Noel said. "Please let me help you." Mia said. "Well you should make one for Bailey." Noel said. "I might she did ask me if I was gay." Mia said. "Which you are right." Noel said. "No shit Bailey's pretty hot and so is her sister." Mia said. "That is so true. I mean her light brown wavy hair with her long eyelashes,and the way she smells oh I'm going crazy for her." Noel said. "I see that. What if we surprise them with the burr baskets at the same time." Mia said. "We should do you think mom will take us?" Noel asked. "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care." Mia said. "Can you ask mom if she can bring us something to eat?" Mia said. "I don't get how we aren't related at all but I'll ask them." Noel said. "I don't get that either but maybe we're long lost cousins." Mia said. "Maybe we are." Noel said.

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