Chapter 5

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Two months have passed since Noel and Lily started living with Madison and Mariah. It's also been two months since Noel lost the baby. In the end everything has been going great other than the fact Noel and Lily started doing online school.  Noel's 16th birthday and Lily's 7th birthday had passed as well so that happened. But this week both Madison and Mariah got the stomach flu that Noel and Lily had two weeks ago. "Mom are you guys hungry?" Noel asked. Mariah and Madison didn't answer but Lily came into the kitchen and told Noel that they wanted some fruit. "Why couldn't they just tell me that?" Noel said. "They said that there too sick to get up and tell you." Lily said. "Did we act like this when we were sick?" Lily asked. "I don't think so. Noel said. Noel grabbed the fruit while Lily grabbed two bowls. "All we have are grapes and oranges." Noel said. "That should be fine." Lily said. Lily placed the bowls on the counter and peeled the oranges. "Do you think two oranges will be enough for the both of them?" Lily asked. "It should be." Noel said as she finished washing the grapes. Noel and Lily placed the fruit into the bowls and then filled up Madison's and Mariah's water bottles. "Ok you grab the fruit while I grab the water." Noel said. Noel and Lily brought Madison and Mariah their fruit and water. "Take your medicine then eat your fruit." Noel said. "Why" Mariah said very horsed. "Because you guys have fevers,headaches,and you guys keep throwing up." Noel and Lily said. "That is not true." Mariah said. Right as she said that Madison threw up into the bucket that she was holding. Noel walked over to Madison and saw how pale she was. "Mom you don't look so good. Have you eaten at all today or even this week?" Noel said. "No I can't keep anything — down." Madison said as she gagged. "Ok but can you try to eat some of the fruit. Please." Noel said. "I'll try." Madison said. "You have to eat the fruit too mama." Lily said. "Fine" Mariah said as she put a grape in her mouth. "We'll be back in twenty minutes." Noel said. Madison and Mariah just gave a thumbs up and continued eating there bowls of grapes and oranges. "Lily grab the baskets from out of my room." Noel said. Lily went into Noel's room and grabbed the baskets.

There were two baskets,one had some of the things Madison liked and the other one had some of the things Mariah liked. "Wait don't forget the fake flowers we got them". Lily said. "Oh yea." Noel said as she added the flowers into the basket. "It's a good thing Hunter took us shopping last week." Lily said. "Yea she's super nice and really pretty." Lily said. "She is and I'm glad she likes us." Noel said. "Me too" Lily and Noel finished put Mariah's and Madison's basket together and as they were finishing a loud noise came from the living room. Noel and Lily looked at each other and ran out into the living room. "Mommy" Lily cried as she saw Madison lying on the floor. "What happened?" Noel asked. "She passed out can't you see that!" Mariah yelled. "I see that but how long has she been out for?" Noel said. "Two minutes but I think she's overheating." Mariah said. "Lily grab the ice packs out of dresser and Mariah grab a rag then put some cold water on it." Noel said as she moved over by Madison. Mariah came back with the cold rag and then Lily walked over with the ice packs and gave them to Noel. Noel placed the ice packs on Madison's head and other places on her body. "What happened?" Madison said as she woke up. "Maddie" Mariah said as she gave her a huge hug. "You passed out mommy." Lily said as she joined the hug. "You have a high fever" Noel said. "Can I have some water please." Madison asked. Lily gave her the water bottle from earlier. "Thanks but I don't think you guys have to be hovering over me." Madison said. Madison slowly sat up and drank some water from the bottle Lily brought her. "Keep this ice pack on your head while I run you a cold bath." Noel said. "Noel I'm fine I don't need a cold bath." Madison said as she was taking her sweatshirt off. "Mom your overheating your taking a cold bath for at least 15 minutes." Noel said. "Fine" Madison said as she got up. Noel went into the bathroom and started the water for Madison.

"Mom the baths ready." Noel yelled. "I'm coming." Madison said. Madison got up with the help of Mariah and walked to the bathroom. "I set a timer for 15 minutes when it goes off I'll come back with your clothes." Noel said. "Ok" Madison said as Noel was walking out. "El wait." Madison quickly said. "Yea is the water too cold I can make it warmer." Noel quickly spoke. "The water is fine I just want you to stay with me." Madison said. "Really I kinda need to do finish something." Noel said. "Ask Mariah to stay with you." Noel said as she gave Madison a hug. Noel walked out and called Lily. Lily walked over to Noel and they both headed into Lily's room. Then Mariah walked into the bathroom and sat next to Madison. "How are you feeling?" Mariah said. "I feel a lot cooler now." Madison said. "Well you have five minutes left but Noel and Lily told me to stay in here." Mariah said. "You can grab my clothes?" Madison asked. "No apparently Noel and Lily have a surprise for us." Mariah said. "Really?" Madison said with excitement. "Yea" Mariah said. Mariah had brought both there phone into the bathroom with her so they both were just watching tiktok until the timer went off. "These baskets look great! Let me send Hunter a picture real quick." Noel said as she took a picture of Lily sitting next to the baskets. "Did mommy's timer go off yet?" Lily asked. "Noel!" Madison yelled. "Right on time." Noel said as she grabbed the clothes she took out for Madison. "Here get dressed then both of you sit on the couch and close your eyes." Noel said. Madison and Mariah both gave a thumbs up and shut the door. "Lily grab the baskets." Noel said. "I got mine but I can't grab yours." Lily said. "Ok I'll grab mine just don't walk out there yet." Noel said. "Noel we're ready." Mariah said. "Are your eyes closed?" Lily asked. "Yes Lily." Mariah said.

Noel and Lily walked out with there baskets in hands. Noel placed her basket on Mariah's lap and Lily placed hers on Madison's lap. "Open your eyes." Lily said. Madison and Mariah both opened there eyes and they were in shock. Noel was recoding there reactions. "You guys made these for us." Mariah said. "Yea we just wanted to thank you guys for everything you've done for us." Lily said. "These are so cute." Madison said as she was holding up pajama pants. "We all have matching ones." Noel said. "Is this hat for me?" Mariah asked. "No mom it's for me." Noel sarcastically said. Right after Noel said that Mariah threw the hat at her. "Mom stop" Noel said. Mariah just laughed while Madison and Lily were talking about the stuff she got in her basket. "Can we watch a movie?" Lily asked. "We can after you two shower and get ready for bed." Madison said. "I'm taking a shower first." Noel said as she started running to the bathroom. "That's not fair. You take forever in the shower." Lily said as she ran behind her. "Who cares I'm older and what I say goes." Noel said as she slammed the door on Lily. Lily opened the door and pushed Noel out of the bathroom. "You little bit-idiot." Noel said. "Lily is taking shower first and that's final Noel." Mariah said. "Ugh I'm using your guys bathroom." Noel said. "Fine just hurry up." Madison said. Noel and Lily finished there showers and when they walked into the living room they saw Madison and Mariah asleep on the couch. "Should we wake them up?" Lily whispered. "No let's just let them sleep. They've had a long day." Noel said as she walked over to grab Madison's blanket. Lily did the same thing and they both placed there blankets on top of them. "Wait let me get a picture." Noel whispered. Noel took the picture and walked to her room while Lily walked to hers. Noel and Lily ended up going to sleep wondering what tomorrow was going to bring.

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